Celtic Animal Horoscope: Snake

Celtic Animal Horoscope: Snake
Celtic Animal Horoscope: Snake

People born in the period from February 18 to March 17, according to the ancient Celtic horoscope, are snakes. The Celts believed that the snake is a kind of symbol of duality. It contains the forces of the Sun and the Moon, masculine energy and feminine energy.

Celtic horoscope
Celtic horoscope

In the view of the ancient Celts, the snake was a creature that constantly strives for development and transformation. Shedding its old skin, the snake easily gets rid of everything superfluous and outdated, readily accepting everything new and unusual.

People who are under the auspices of a snake strive to achieve harmony throughout their lives. They are trying to make sure that Chaos and Order - both in the world and in their lives - coexist without disputes and disagreements. But at the same time, a quiet and stable life, painted in neutral colors, does not attract a snake-man at all. He is attracted by everything unusual, mysterious and magical. The snake-man is attracted by esoteric practices, occult teachings, psychology, various methods of self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The dual nature of snake people is manifested in literally everything, but at the same time it does not give them discomfort. Outwardly, such individuals often look cold, restrained, sometimes even sullen, sad or completely emotionless. But this is only a mask behind which vivid and vivid emotions are hidden, various - often polar - experiences, brilliant ideas and a non-standard outlook on life.

Energy is always boiling inside the snake-man. He does not recognize laziness, avoids a passive lifestyle, is ready to actively speak out on various topics and ardently defend his point of view in disputes. The snake is constantly in motion without feeling tired or exhausted. Communication with both the Moon and the Sun allows such a person not to lose tone and regularly replenish the reserves of vitality with the help of sunlight or moonlight.

A person who is patronized by a snake is usually eloquent. He is a leader who knows how to speak beautifully and convince everyone around him that he is right. Such a person gathers around him an army of followers or admirers, whom he knows how to lead.

It is almost impossible to convince a snake-man, to force him to change any point of view or to deviate from the intended goal. However, snake people are distinguished by excellent intuition, they have high intelligence, which allows them to calculate many moves in advance. Therefore, they rarely lose.

Snakes often have mood swings and are thrown from one emotion to another. In addition, such people are often easy-going, while they are unpredictable and spontaneous. You can never know for sure how a snake man will behave in some sudden or crisis situation. Willingness to act and change helps snake people to easily adapt to various circumstances and cope with any everyday difficulties without much loss. However, in order for everything to really turn out the way you want, a person who is patronized by a snake needs to stop being afraid to make decisions, to take steps forward. With a lack of faith in himself, a snake man can turn into a shy or aggressive person who, wanting to defend his boundaries, will go into an attack even when it is not necessary at all.

People who are associated with snakes according to the Celtic horoscope love to be in the spotlight. They are rarely shy or squeezed, they know how to correctly present themselves and easily find a common language with new acquaintances.

The strong traits of such personalities should also include: patience and patience, stubbornness, attentiveness, cunning and resourcefulness, curiosity and wisdom.