People born in September from the 2nd to the 29th are under the auspices of a swan. This beautiful white bird, according to the ancient Celts, personifies beauty, purity, love, faith, clarity, light and prosperity.

From the point of view of the ancient Celts, the snow-white swan symbolizes the sunrise, solar energy, awakening, a new beginning. This bird is thoroughly saturated with the energy of life and love, which it willingly shares with those people whom it patronizes. In addition, the Celts considered the swan to be a magical bird associated with such elements as Water, Air and Earth. Thanks to this connection, the swan constantly feels a surge of new strength and inspiration.
From the outside, the Swan Man seems very aristocratic, sophisticated and elegant. He really strives to look attractive, to behave appropriately. The swan man has great taste, he knows how to dress stylishly and make a good impression. He does not like to imitate anyone, tends to express his individuality. The swan man skillfully emphasizes his strengths, hiding any flaws.
People under the auspices of a snow-white bird are talkative, open to the world, and love new acquaintances. They feel at ease on stage, do not mind performing in front of a large audience. There is very little shyness in them. Usually, a swan man highly values himself and his outstanding qualities, and he is in a hurry to inform everyone around him. However, such a person can hardly be called boastful, overly selfish or obsessive. The swan man is distinguished by a sense of proportion and tact.
People who, according to the Celtic horoscope, are swans, make brilliant orators, artists, as well as singers, writers, and poets. Swan not only speaks beautifully and well, he knows how to write beautiful works in prose or in poetic form. From early childhood, a swan man should pay attention to his such talents and develop them.
The swan does not like heightened competition. He works great both independently and in a team, if he is friendly and the spirit of rivalry does not flourish in him. The Swan Man takes work and business matters seriously. He is a responsible employee who can always be relied on. In his affairs, the swan tries to avoid many mistakes, does not accept unnecessary haste and feels uncomfortable when faced with a deadline situation.
Sometimes a person who is patronized by a bird according to the Celtic horoscope seems cold, detached and as if immersed in his thoughts. Since the swan man always strives to maintain balance, he knows how to control his own emotions. In addition, not wanting to spoil his reputation, such a person will try not to show the feelings raging inside to everyone. However, getting to know the swan-man better, it becomes clear that this is a very sensual, bright and passionate nature. Such people cannot stand the dullness and routine in relationships, they constantly need new impressions and experiences. Only then can they feel happy.
The swan man is not afraid to take the first step in a relationship, he is able to make serious decisions. However, having received a refusal or faced with rudeness, such a person withdraws into himself and becomes irritable, aggressive.
Often in the character of a person whose totem animal is a swan, there are such traits as pedantry, punctuality, excessive attention to detail. Bending the stick, the swan man can become a perfectionist and maximalist, who demands from himself and the people around him to ideally perform any tasks and strive for excellence.