Not only movie and music stars, with the help of talented designers, are engaged in the production of clothing. To start your own business in this area, it is not enough just to have sewing skills. You also need to be a good leader, able to control the whole process: from sewing clothes to selling them.

It is necessary
Business plan, premises for work, sewing equipment, staff, fabrics and other elements necessary for sewing, retail outlets for finished products
Step 1
Research the market and become familiar with fashion trends so that the produced clothing is in demand among the population.
Step 2
Read the current legislation on the process of registering a legal entity with the relevant governing bodies. Register your company and receive all required documentation. Open a bank account.
Step 3
Find a spacious, well-lit work space that you can either buy or rent. Go through the procedure for checking its condition by inviting representatives of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the Environmental Commission and the Fire Service.
Step 4
Develop a business plan or order it by involving specialists. Specify all aspects of work in the business plan: schedule, working conditions of employees, etc.
Step 5
Purchase the equipment you need to launch a clothing line, taking into account the specialization of your company.
Step 6
Before hiring employees, decide who will design the clothes. Turn to the services of designers or think about your future clothing line yourself.
Step 7
Buy fabrics and all sewing-related parts: threads, scissors, garment decoration items, etc. Do not choose cheap fabrics so that the finished product does not run out of stock.
Step 8
Decide on the advertising campaign for your product. Enter into contracts with stores or sales markets by providing ready-to-wear samples.
Step 9
If the results are positive, expand the staff as needed. Hire new designers to meet all fashion demands.
Step 10
Organize your work so that there is no downtime or hitch.