Chinese sky lanterns, or wishing balls, were invented 2,000 years ago. It is believed that a person who has launched at least one such flashlight into the sky will make all his dreams come true. Currently, wish balloons have become famous all over the world and have become an invariable attribute of such holidays as New Years, weddings, birthdays, etc. They are used with pleasure at corporate and city events.

It is necessary
Chinese sky lantern, lighter or matches
Step 1
It is better to launch Chinese lanterns in open areas, located far from power lines, town houses, airport or railroad. Also, make sure that there are no banners or advertising banners near the launch site. Do not use Chinese sky lanterns during hail, strong wind (over 3 m / s) or rain.
Step 2
To launch the balloon of wishes into the sky, unpack it and shake it well, holding on to the hoop at the bottom of the structure. Once the flashlight has expanded and filled with air, light the wick from all sides. If you are using a homemade flashlight, you will need to attach a torch to it. The torch is attached to the wire frame at the base of the ball and then firmly fixed in the center of the structure.
Step 3
It is more convenient to launch the ball of desires together with someone you know. In this case, one person will hold the top of the dome of the flashlight, and the other will light the fuse at the bottom. While the wick ignites, the sky lantern must be held open to the ground so that the heated air remains inside the ball.
Step 4
After 1-2 minutes, the air inside the Chinese lantern will heat up. After that, take the structure by the rim to which the burner is attached and release the ball into the sky.
Step 5
A sticker with a wish list can be glued to the rim of the flashlight. Sometimes desires are written with a marker directly on heat-resistant paper, from which the dome of a sky lantern is made.
Step 6
Chinese lanterns of happiness soar in the sky for 15-20 minutes. The height to which these structures rise is on average 200-300 meters. It all depends on the size of the ball itself and on the ambient temperature. In warm calm weather, a sky lantern can rise to a height of 500 meters.
Step 7
If the flashlight does not take off, you should lighten its design by a few grams. To do this, you can remove the frame by attaching only one crosspiece with a burner to the dome. This problem is especially relevant for homemade flashlights. If you prefer to buy a ready-made balloon of wishes in a store, you should not be afraid of such incidents. Manufacturers of Chinese lanterns pre-select the optimal size of the frame and bag for the dome, thus observing the desired balance of volume and lift of the ball.
Step 8
If you break the paper from which it is made when you start the Chinese flashlight, cover it with regular tape. This should not affect the flight performance of the structure itself.
Step 9
You can buy Chinese lanterns in specialized online stores, as well as in ordinary shops with fireworks and balloons.