Fidget spinners have become very popular lately. They appeared as if out of nowhere and are already being sold everywhere, and children and even adults carry them with them everywhere and twist them in their hands. Those who have not yet embraced this fashion trend are probably wondering what it is and what a spinner is for.

The word spin from English translates as to rotate, and spinner, accordingly, can literally be translated as "spinner", but in meaning something like "top" or "whirligig" is more suitable. This is really a kind of top, only it does not spin on the floor or on the table, but in the hand. At its core, a spinner is one, two or more bearings (most often three) in a frame rotating around a center that is held by your fingers.
Fidget spinner manufacturers and sellers try to present them as useful toys that relieve stress and develop fine motor skills. Probably, this is partly so, a person sometimes has a need to twist something in his hand. But by and large it is just a toy, and it does not bring any practical benefit. Just a trend of fashion that has captured the mass market for a while.
One of the reasons for the high popularity of spinners is their low price, which allows schoolchildren to buy them for pocket money. However, there are models and more expensive - luminous. ceramic, titanium. You can even make a spinner yourself - the Internet is full of videos and articles on this topic. In addition, the network is replete with materials on how to spin a spinner correctly, although it seems that this is not difficult to figure out without instructions.