The fact that factory-made fashionable anti-stress toys are presented in a huge assortment of all kinds of shapes, materials and colors does not in any way affect the popularity of workshops telling how to make a paper spinner. Such turntables are simple in design, their design allows the use of inexpensive materials at hand and the creation of a unique author's design.

In children's creativity, the most unusual materials are often used to make a popular rotating toy: wax, chocolate, stearin, soap base, polymer clay, plastic bottles or epoxy resin. But the easiest way is to make a paper spinner, for which you can use art painting, stickers, rhinestones and other decorative elements.
Paper spinner without bearing
The simplest, three-bladed paper spinner model does not require a bearing and is performed using a template, the basis for which can be drawn on a five-ruble coin, a plastic bottle cap or any other small round-shaped object.
To create a template on cardboard or sheets of thick paper glued together, a figure is drawn consisting of four circles: one is in the center, the other three are located in the form of petals along the edges of the central circle. You will need two such blanks - for the outer and inner sides of the spinner. It will also be useful to immediately make the details used to decorate the axis of the toy: using a coin in denominations of 1 or 2 rubles, draw four identical circles. All blanks for a spinner without a bearing are carefully cut out with nail scissors.

In order to add extra weight to the blades of the toy, which provides the spinner with long-term rotation, coins are neatly glued to the three lateral circles of one of the blanks. To give the turntable a more attractive appearance, it is recommended to mask the coins: for this, the upper and lower parts of the templates are glued together and sent under the press for 10-15 minutes.
A small hole is made in the central part of a homemade spinner using a thick needle or sharp awl to mount the axis of rotation. As an axis, a segment from the rod of a fountain pen, a toothpick or any other object suitable for this purpose can be used.
The tube is inserted into the hole of one of the remaining round parts so that the edges of the axis do not protrude above the surface of the circle. For better fixation, it is recommended to coat the junction of both elements with glue. After the glue has dried, the axis is inserted into the central hole of the spinner and masked from below with a second round piece. The remaining two circles are glued over the masking elements of the central circle: these parts are designed to make the finished toy more comfortable to hold in your hands.

After the glue on all elements of the toy is completely dry, they start decorating: a paper spinner is painted with paints, markers, felt-tip pens or even nail polish; draw geometric elements that, when the blades rotate, form an intricate pattern; pasted over with foil or wrapping decorative paper. If you paint the details of the toy with luminescent paint, you get a glowing spinner that will look very impressive in the dark.
Paper spinner for the little ones
With preschool children, you can make a spinner with a simplified design, but just like a regular paper spinner, which requires a creative approach to decoration.
For work, you will need thick cardboard - the walls of packing boxes are very suitable for this purpose; white office or colored decorative paper; two beautiful buttons, strong lace or thread.
Using a saucer or any other round object, draw three identical circles on cardboard, carefully cut them out and glue them together. Circles of the same size are cut out of white or colored paper - you will need two such parts for the upper and lower parts of the spinner. If these elements of the toy are made of white paper, then at this stage they are decorated: they are painted with paints or felt-tip pens, painted with patterns, sequins or sequins are glued. After decorating, both parts are glued to the cardboard base.
In the center of the workpiece with the tip of the scissors, carefully make two holes and on both sides of the workpiece, two buttons are glued to this place so that their holes coincide with the holes of the workpiece. A string or thick thread is pulled through the buttons so that two loops are obtained from the bottom and top of the homemade spinner. The free ends of the thread are tied in a knot and the protruding ends are cut off.
To put the spinner into action, twist the loops in either direction with both hands, then pull the cord and allow it to unwind, which will also make the cardboard part rotate.