If you are going to a masquerade and have chosen a brave knight as your character, you will need an appropriate costume. Making it yourself is much cheaper than buying a ready-made outfit in the store. Some of the suitable materials can be found at home. With just a little time, you can make a realistic knight costume.

It is necessary
- Dark T-shirt;
- acrylic paints;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- boots;
- knee socks;
- the cloth;
- brooch.
Step 1
A knight costume can be made from scrap materials. Choose a long, loose T-shirt in a dark color. The fabric of the T-shirt should be tight. It is desirable that it be larger than your size and resemble a tunic. Cut the sleeves in a straight line. Then, with a pencil, draw a scalloped pattern on the bottom edge of the shirt. Take scissors and cut off the bottom along this pattern. Hem the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying.
Step 2
Decorate the center of the tunic with a coat of arms. You can paint this element with acrylic paints. To make the outline even, cut a stencil out of paper. Also, the decoration can be made in the form of an applique. Sketch a drawing by hand, or find a suitable picture on the internet. Then transfer the image to the fabric. After cutting out the details, sew them to the tunic.
Step 3
The main pride of the knight is his heroic sword. Take thick cardboard and sketch the outlines of the sword on it with a pencil. Do not make the edge of the sword too sharp, especially if the costume is intended for a child. Paint the blade with silver paint. If you do not have such paint, replace it with gray. Make the handle of the sword brown.
Step 4
The knight must be well protected. Therefore, the second main attribute of this character is a shield. Its shape can be round, hexagonal and any other, if desired. Cut out the selected shape from thick cardboard. Paint it black, gray, or red. Then cut out two small slits in the center of the shield. They must be horizontal. Pass a belt or wide string through the slots. Sew the loose edges of the belt. You should now be able to put the shield on your wrist. Cut a fleur-de-lis out of white paper and glue it on the middle of the shield so that it covers the belt.
Step 5
High dark boots are suitable as shoes. They can be additionally decorated. Choose black knee-highs that are the same height as your boots. Stitch a wide, scalloped fabric strip to the edge of each golf course. The pattern should be the same as on the tunic, but with smaller teeth. After putting on knee-highs and boots, turn off the sewn stripes.
Step 6
Use a square piece of flowing fabric to make a raincoat. Finish the edges first, and then connect the two adjacent ends of the square with a beautiful brooch.
Step 7
Wear a solid-colored long-sleeved T-shirt and tight-fitting sweatpants underneath your suit. It is best if both wardrobe items are in a silver shade. In this case, they will look like chain mail.