In modern popular culture, zombies occupy one of the leading positions in popularity. Many computer games, films, TV series and books are to one degree or another devoted to the revived dead. Naturally, zombies have become welcome guests at dark-themed parties such as Halloween. You can buy a zombie costume in the store, but it's not difficult to make your own.

Zombie clothes
The main "specific" signs of zombies are signs of decomposition on the face and body, indifference to their appearance, torn and stained clothes and shoes. The wardrobe of a zombie who got out of the grave on his own, as a rule, is the clothes in which he was buried, but badly damaged during the "digging".
However, it is known from the cinema that zombies can also appear as a result of infection with this or that virus, so it is not necessary to imitate a suit for a funeral, you can do with everyday clothes. Finally, a certain uniform can be a good option, for example, a zombie nurse costume is perfect for girls.
It is easy to guess that to create a high-quality zombie image, it is better to choose those clothes that you will not mind tearing and staining. If there is nothing suitable in your wardrobe, it is worth visiting a second-hand or sale. Keep in mind that zombies rarely sport tight clothes, as they lose a lot of weight after death, so it is better to choose a suit several sizes larger so that it looks baggy.
Specific traits
The selected wardrobe items need to be artificially aged, for example, using a harsh wash. Several cycles in the washing machine will give the clothes the desired wear and tear. Add details: ripped holes, torn cuffs, holes, ripped seams. Chlorine bleach, for example, can make pretty natural holes in natural fabrics. Fading can be created on denim with a coarse file. The main thing is not to overdo it so that your suit does not fall apart on the go. In addition, excessive "ventilation" will spoil the impression and make the image too caricatured.
On light fabrics, pinkish stains look good, imitating washed-out blood. This effect is easy to achieve with watercolor paint and water. Even if your costume gets wet during the party, it will only add to the naturalness. After applying streaks, the suit can be additionally stained with earth and grass. Keep in mind, however, that organizers and attendees are unlikely to be thrilled if your costume gets dirty, especially if the party is being held indoors.
Don't forget your shoes. The requirement here is the same as for clothing: one that you do not mind. You can rip one or more seams off your boots, stain them with clay and oil paint stains of different colors. If the shoes are laced, then it is better to lace them up as carelessly as possible and not completely. However, sloppiness applies to the entire costume as a whole: there is no reason for zombies to follow the appearance, so tear off some of the buttons, and fasten the rest in random order.