Personal life of Leva from the group "Bi-2" has always interested his fans. The rock musician broke up with his first wife Irina with a scandal, but at the same time continued to write her love letters. He broke up with his second wife several times, but he could not get away from her and his two sons.

Lyova from "Bi-2" and his first wife
Lyova from the group "Bi-2" is a rock musician, singer, guitarist, author and performer of the soundtrack for Alexei Balabanov's film "Brother 2" with the memorable title "Nobody Writes to the Colonel." His real name is Yegor Bortnik. The pseudonym Lev appeared after he lived with his family in Africa. The father of the future musician was a successful radio physicist and often received invitations to work abroad. Once the head of the family brought his son a lion's fang and the boy did not part with it, for which they began to call him Lev.
During his school years, Leva became interested in music and began to attend a theater studio. There he met Shura and they created the group "Brothers in Arms", and later shortened the name to "Bi-2". Success did not come to the team immediately. In search of a better life, Shura moved to Australia in 1993. For a while, the group broke up, but then Leva came to a friend and they continued to make music. Upon their return to Russia, they achieved success, becoming one of the most sought-after rock musicians.
In Lyova's personal life, everything turned out to be very difficult. He met his first wife later than his second. He met his second wife Asya Melnikova on the train when they went to the festival in Jurmala. Asya accompanied the Mumiy Troll group as a tour manager. The girl made an indelible impression on Lyova and he confessed his love to her, but then their paths diverged.
Soon Leva met Irina Makeeva. The novel developed rapidly and Irina became pregnant. The marriage was formalized after the birth of his son Fedor.

For only two years, young people lived together. Their happiness was destroyed by Asya, who again appeared on the musician's path. The divorce of Irina and Lyova turned out to be very scandalous. The ex-wife said that the lead singer of "Bi-2" beat her, humiliated her. She also accused him of non-payment of alimony, of unwillingness to communicate with her son. According to her, Leva deliberately concealed his income in order to pay the child less. When the bailiffs came to describe his property, it turned out that he had copied almost everything to Asya.
Lyova disagrees with the accusations and believes that Irina's demands are too high. According to him, the ex-wife is guided by the amounts of fees that are announced in the press, but these data do not correspond to reality. He claims that he is not as rich as his wife thinks, so she has no right to demand a lot of money from him.
Second wife - Asya Melnikova
Leva began living with Asya Melnikova in 2008. The new wife gave birth to the musician's son Aviv, and after 2 years David was born. Lyova and Asya's wedding was gorgeous. Musicians "Bi-2" decided to get married on the same day. Many friends were invited to the celebration. Among those invited were the most devoted fans. A few years later, Leva said that the wedding was just a staging and in fact they did not sign with Asya. The beloved just wanted a holiday and he fulfilled her wish. Perhaps this statement was made against the background of the changes that have occurred in their family.

The rock musician prefers not to talk about life with Asya, but journalists learned that not everything is going smoothly in their relationship. The couple began to quarrel after the birth of their second child. Leva left his beloved several times, and then returned. Asya filed a lawsuit against him for alimony. She stated that they had parted with the famous musician a long time ago, and Leva did not want to support the children.

During the period of parting with Asya, the musician made an attempt to return to his first wife. Their correspondence was made public, in which Leva confessed his love to Irina. They were even seen together at the airport. But then Leva for some reason returned to Asya again.

Lyova and his new projects
Despite all the difficulties that they had to endure, Lyova and his wife are together again. In 2017, the musician celebrated 45 years on a grand scale. The group "Alphaville" was invited to the celebration, which sang the song "Forever Young" for him. This is one of Lyova's favorite compositions and such a luxurious gift was organized by his wife Asya.
Musicians "Bi-2" are experiencing a creative upsurge. In 2018, they presented a new hit "La-la poplar". It was recorded as a soundtrack to the comedy "What Men Talk About". Rock musicians are happy to perform on stage together with other performers in order to give their own and others' musical compositions a new sound. Leva has big plans for the future, but he is not thinking about a solo career yet. He likes to work in tandem with Shura. Despite the fact that the group has existed for a long time, the musicians remain in excellent relations and they have almost no disagreements.