Various angels and hearts are nice to draw on postcards and then give to loved ones. In order for the drawing process to be fruitful, you need to prepare everything you need in advance and start execution.

First of all, we depict the head. This should be a wide circle, as angels are often depicted as children with chubby cheeks. Draw small semicircles on the sides of the circle (cheeks) and one smaller semicircle at the bottom for the chin.
Draw curly hair for the angel. They should not be long, but rather short and curled.

Now the neck, shoulders and waist. Angels can paint in dresses, or even without clothes. Determine for yourself what kind of angel you want to portray. The neck should be slightly wide. Draw a small angel's tummy to resemble a baby.

When drawing the limbs, remember to keep them short and chubby. Draw the little angel and his permanent weapon - a bow and arrow, as well as the required components - a crown over his head and wings.
Now color the resulting angel and give it life by making the cheeks ruddy.

Do not draw an angel for a boy or an angel for a girl, as you will thus make a mistake. Angels are sexless creatures.
To make the angel more gentle, draw him smiling with plump lips and cheeks.