Who lives at the bottom of the ocean?.. Familiar words? The popular animated series "SpongeBob - Squarepants" begins with them. Try to draw SpongeBob's best friend Patrick. With a step-by-step tutorial, this will be very easy.

Step 1
Draw the wireframe for Patrick's body. Draw a large oval in the center of the piece of paper. Patrick is a starfish with arms and legs, so add elongated triangular shapes to the oval. Add a large triangle to the oval on top. Draw two triangles on the sides of the body and below.

Step 2
Now use the eraser to erase all the overlapping extra lines. Draw a dangling cap on top of the upper triangle. Round off all the sharp corners of the triangles. Patrick's hands are like fins.

Step 3
Draw the pants, an additional line on top of the shorts. Mark Patrick's navel with two arcs. Don't forget about the face - sketch out the shapes of the face. First place for the mouth, the bottom two lines, then a line for the eyebrows and pupils.

Step 4
Make some small strokes on the sides for the eyebrows on Patrick's face. Draw two ovals for the eyes. Finally, draw two large, curved lines for Patrick's mouth. Don't forget to draw the tongue. The "walking" starfish has a pattern on the shorts - draw that too. It remains to paint Patrick with bright colors, because he is a very positive hero!