The vest neckline can be either round or square. It can be decorated with an inlay or a small collar. Most often, however, the vest has a V-neck. This type of neckline almost never goes out of style. Under a vest, the neck of which is designed in a similar way, you can wear a shirt, a turtleneck, and even a beautifully draped scarf or shawl.

It is necessary
- - vest pattern;
- - yarn;
- - knitting needles;
- - a needle;
- - threads to match the yarn.
Step 1
To knit a V-neck, divide the total number of front stitches in the middle. Mark the buttonhole with a marker or a piece of thread in a contrasting color.
Step 2
Further, on both sides from the middle, begin to form bevels with the help of decreases. If the number of loops is odd, close the middle loop.
Step 3
Then knit each side separately. Place the stitches of the left half on the auxiliary knitting needle. For the right half in every 4th row, knit the last 2 stitches together with the front one. The number of rows may vary depending on the size of the vest and the neckline. To make it easier to calculate the number of loops for decreases, transfer the pattern to paper in a box. So it will be clearly visible how many loops and in which row should be subtracted (1 cell corresponds to 1 loop).
Step 4
For the left half of the work, knit the first 2 loops of the row together with a tilt to the left. Remove the first loop as the front one, knit the second one with the front one and pull it through the removed one. Next, knit a row with the main knit.
Step 5
After the knitting of the front and back is finished, moisten the parts, lay them on a flat and smooth surface and let them dry. Then follow the shoulder and side seams.
Step 6
Now arrange the neckline. For binding, cast on the stitches around the neckline and over the circular knitting needles. Start in the middle of the front. Next, knit in forward and backward directions with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band to the required size. And in every second row at the beginning and end of the row, add 1 loop. Place the ends of the tape on top of each other and sew along the edge with a blind stitch by hand.
Step 7
The V-neck can also be trimmed with a fancy pattern such as braids. In this case, knit the part separately, according to the pattern in the picture. Cast on the needles the required number of loops and knit a strip of the required width and length. Then sew it to the cutout. Place the ends of the tape on top of each other and sew with blind stitches.