Svetlana Loboda herself really does not like to show her photos without makeup and appear in public without makeup. But from time to time, such pictures still end up on the Web and immediately become the reason for numerous discussions and comments from the singer's fans.

Svetlana Loboda is often awarded the title “one of the most photoshopped Russian stars”. This is because the 36-year-old singer does not like to show herself to others without makeup, and she carefully processes all her pictures on social networks with special editors. As a result, fans often just don't recognize their idol on the street. Without makeup on her face and professional correction, Svetlana looks completely different than in the photographs that she exhibits on the Web and in video clips.
From a redhead seductress to a gentle blonde
Over the past 15 years, Loboda's appearance has changed a lot. As you know, the girl became famous precisely because of her participation in the VIA Gra group. True, at that time the girl looked completely different than now. In old pictures from the performances of a popular girl group, Svetlana is practically unrecognizable. At that time, she was either red-haired or brown-haired, practically did not highlight her eyes with makeup and had not yet had time to enlarge her lips.

During her participation in the VIA Gra group, the singer preferred to cut her hair just below her shoulders and occasionally wore light curls. Now she admits that she quickly got tired of her image and considered it unsuccessful. But the girl could not just take and change at will. Everything had to be coordinated with the producer. For example, Loboda was not allowed to dye her hair. One of the main ideas of the group was its members with different hair colors - blonde, brunette and red. Since Svetlana initially refused bright red coloring, she was given the condition to make sure that the curls were of a copper shade or chestnut with a red sheen. The singer strictly observed it until the very moment, until she left the musical group.

After leaving the VIA Gra group, Loboda immediately decided on numerous experiments with her own appearance. For example, a girl, as she dreamed, dyed her hair blonde. She has been living with this hair color for the past few years and only periodically experiments with shades of blonde. Svetlana herself told reporters: “I have long understood that I am a blonde at heart. I feel especially harmonious and comfortable with blond hair. Perhaps even my name influences this. Never again plan to be a brunette, let alone a redhead. Enough with me cardinal changes. Yes, and a pity for the hair … Only a couple of years ago, I completely restored them and returned health to the curls. During my work at VIA Gre, I completely ruined my hair. These eternal traveling, concerts, continuous lack of sleep, snacks on the go. Sometimes there was no time to just wash your hair, let alone masks and other care products. Until now, I myself am surprised how I have withstood this frantic rhythm for so long."
Photoshop or plastic?
If you compare the pictures of Loboda during the period of her participation in the group "VIA Gra" and now, you will notice that the girl's lips have become noticeably plump. Svetlana herself does not hide that she slightly changed this part of her face, but does not like to discuss such topics and usually just laughs it off. Initially, when Loboda's lips suddenly became noticeably larger in the pictures on social networks, fans assumed that the singer was simply inflating them at the time of shooting or was processing ready-made photos. But after several fan meetings, they realized that the girl looks exactly the same in reality.

By the way, it was after lip augmentation that Svetlana began to appear less and less in public without lipstick. Now she loves to emphasize this part of her face with branded cosmetics. Usually Loboda chooses soft matte lipsticks. Even more often she comes out with a transparent gloss on her lips, which makes them even more seductive and attractive. The singer herself admits that at home she has a whole collection of lip care products. Most of all it contains glitter with pleasant confectionery flavors, as well as scrubs that remove ugly peeling on delicate skin. As a result, even without makeup, the singer's lips look perfect.
Transformation continues
Today, one of the most frequent questions to Svetlana Loboda regarding her appearance: what operations, besides lip augmentation, did she do? The singer really does not like to talk about this topic. She always corrects that lip correction is just a simple cosmetological procedure, and also adds that of all the possible operations on the face, she decided exclusively to remove the scar on the nose. It was 9 years ago. But experienced plastic surgeons note that Loboda most likely resorted to contour plastics. Such procedures include, for example, an increase in the cheekbones. You can see that recently the oval of the star's face has really become softer, and the cheekbones have begun to stand out more clearly on the face. And this is clearly not the result of competent makeup. The proportions of the girl's face remain the same without a drop of makeup.
Svetlana Loboda herself confidently declares that her attractive appearance is a combination of genetics and regular work on herself. The girl is engaged in face-building (exercises for correcting the shape of the face and combating age-related changes), Pilates and swimming, and also eats exceptionally healthy foods and drinks a lot of water.