What Are The Signs Associated With The Buttocks

What Are The Signs Associated With The Buttocks
What Are The Signs Associated With The Buttocks

Since ancient times, the place where the legs begin has been of great interest to priests, philosophers, sculptors, and artists. Elastic bulging buttocks not only help a person to walk on two limbs and even continue the birth, exciting the roundness of the representatives of the opposite sexes. Many peoples have even learned to guess and determine the character by the shape of the priests.

Nowadays, you can guess by the pope if a girl goes to the gym
Nowadays, you can guess by the pope if a girl goes to the gym

Judging by the written sources left by our ancestors, the Chinese were the most active in observing the buttocks. According to the signs of this people, even moles on the pope have their own meaning. The brown spots between the buttocks promised the ancient Chinese a long life expectancy and reliable career growth.

If moles were noticed in the middle of the fifth point, this promised a person many trials in life and serious illnesses. And the owner of the marks in the upper part of the priests was considered a person of unbending will and firm character. It is curious that the left buttock was considered a chronicle of the past, and the right - the promise of the future. And if the left side of the rear protruded more strongly, this was considered a good sign: it means that the main adversities in life were over. But with a large right buttock, I had to prepare for trouble in the coming years.

The Arabs paid a lot of attention to the hairline from the waist to the split in the body. His uniformity was considered a sign of a kind, but sickly person. The bald patches in the area where the half-pops were closed told the ancient Arabs about the insidious nature of their owner, coupled with fearfulness. Physicians for the abundance of hair above the sacrum warned that children born to the patient may be with a defect. A sign of talent was the combination of black hair and reddish hair on the buttocks. But if the colors were located the other way around, this was considered a sign of depravity.

In the ancient world, attention was paid to the folds under the buttocks. Their symmetry meant docile and even character, and asymmetry meant greed and selfishness. The ancient Greeks and Romans could also choose priests by their appearance. The shape of the square in the lower part promised that the woman would be a faithful keeper of the hearth and a good mother, but she was no longer seen as a mistress. And the ears on the thighs, so unloved today, in those days spoke of the reliability of a person.
