What Signs Are Associated With Ficus

What Signs Are Associated With Ficus
What Signs Are Associated With Ficus

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Because of its size, ficus has the reputation of being a plant only fit for the office. But if you take into account all the signs associated with it, this flower should be kept exclusively at home.



Step 1

Signs, passed down through the centuries, say that the ficus is a family plant that improves the energy in the house. This plant has long been very revered in Thailand: there Benjamin's ficus is a symbol of the country and is considered endowed with enormous powers. The ficus in the house guarantees the comfort of its inhabitants and the harmony of family relations - for this in China it is kept in almost every house. This plant cleans the house of bad energy, it is believed in this country, and superstitious people are not so wrong. Ficuses purify the air by releasing nutrients into it from their large leaves.

Step 2

In the middle lane, plants with waxy leaves are widely regarded with suspicion. Therefore, one can hear such versions as attracting scandals and gossip, neighborly envy, slander by the ficus to the house and family. There is also a sign that the ficus drives men out of the house and changes their character not for the better. Therefore, many do not dare to have this beautiful flower in a pot at home.

Step 3

There are, however, other signs associated with the ficus in the house. You can hear that if there is a pot with this plant in the kitchen, the family will never starve and there will always be abundance in the house. Folk omens often endow the ficus with the properties of attracting good luck to the house, especially for small-leaved varieties of ficus with variegated leaves. The better such a ficus branches, the more luxuriant it grows, the more luck awaits family members. And if the plant suddenly threw off the leaves, it took away the trouble hanging over the family (but it doesn’t hurt to check the roots for a bay).

Step 4

To the ficus caricum, which is capable of producing fruits called figs, the attitude is very peculiar - it is considered a harbinger of the appearance of children in the house. For those who really want a child, but for some unclear reason cannot make their dream come true, the ficus brought into the house often turns out to be salutary. In order for the omen to come true for sure, you need to put a pot with this plant in the bedroom. This is a coincidence or a pattern, but indeed you can find a lot of evidence that the omen worked right away.

Step 5

There are special rituals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the signs attributed to the ficus. You need to buy it for the growing moon, without bargaining at the same time about the price, and even more efficiently - to steal the sprout and bring it home. If the plant is given by friends or acquaintances, it is imperative to pay for it in coins, preferably in an odd amount, otherwise the plant will not take root.
