Chekhon is a schooling fish from the carp family. In appearance, it cannot be confused with any other fish. She has a very original appearance, for which she received many nicknames: mower, saber, cleaver. In the shape of the body, the sabrefish really resembles a short saber.

Where does sabrefish live
Basically, sabrefish is found in reservoirs located in the south of Russia. She prefers to dwell in deep places with a fast current, choosing areas with the clearest water and sandy bottom. At the same time, sabrefish avoids silted and overgrown parts of the reservoir.
Experienced fishermen assure that in spring, at night, in the evening and partly in the morning, this fish stays closer to the bottom, and in summer, on the contrary, at the surface, catching insects that have fallen into the water.
What tackle to catch sabrefish
Catching sabrefish both in spring and summer is quite an exciting experience. By her nature, she is, like a magpie-thief, very impudent and agile. Meanwhile, in one place, experienced fishermen manage to catch several dozen individuals of this fish.
The choice of tackle for catching sabrefish depends solely on the season. It depends on where the fish swims: closer to the surface or the bottom. Usually it is caught with fly fishing, a float rod in the wiring with lure and on bottom tackle, rubber band.
A rod for catching sabrefish should be flexible, but strong. The line is 0.2-0.25 mm and the hooks are # 5-6. If the sabrefish lives closer to the surface of the water, it can be safely caught without a sinker, letting the bait over the surface, and the float must be made self-submerging for the convenience of casting and a more accurate determination of the bite.
What time is it better to catch sabrefish
It is best to catch sabrefish in the morning dawn, just after sunrise. At this time, according to experienced fishermen, sabrefish betrays itself in small bursts. Having found a fish, you should carefully approach this place and, without wasting time, throw the bait.
Bait for sabrefish
Maggots are considered the best bait for catching sabrefish. Two or three larvae can be planted on one hook, it all depends on their size. In spring, sabrefish bites on bloodworms with success. This fish is perfectly caught on top without a sinker for a fly, a fresh dung worm, a grasshopper. However, she also willingly takes the drowning bait. With an excellent bite, anglers advise using pieces of foam rubber and foam balls instead of maggots, since you cannot get them ready when the fish is moving in a shaft.