Surely every experienced player of the popular shooter Counter Strike has had the game broken at least once. What can we say about users who play dubious builds of the COP. What to do if your favorite game is broken?

Remember that game admins are people too. Sometimes they make mistakes and punish honest players. And often their actions are completely legal and correct. How do you fix this problem?
If during the game you feel that the character's control began to change, the buttons do not respond in time or perform the wrong actions, the game slows down, uncharacteristic lags, then most likely your game is being broken. The mechanism is as follows: the server sends data to your computer in the game folder that clogs and spoils your program.
This does not happen instantly, but gradually. Therefore, at the first sign, the surest action is to quit the game. The sooner you close the COP, the less damage will be done to the game files on the computer, and the easier it will be to fix everything.
First of all, go to the CS> cstrike game directory and sort the files by modification date. Those folders and files that were changed during the last game are broken files.
Most often, the resources of the game suffer (models of players, weapons, textures), which is why the game does not want to work normally. This data is stored in the resource folder. It must be removed and replaced with a standard folder, which can be taken from the installer or a previously saved backup of the game.
If there is nothing to replace, then do not despair. When you enter the server, the game will pump up the missing resources. But this takes some time.
If you see config.cfg among the changed files, then you have changed the config file. Changes in it may be invisible, but dangerous for the normal operation of the program. You can try to fix the config yourself by replacing the fps_max and fps_modem values instead of 1 with 101. But it's best to just copy your pre-saved config file or download the standard one from the Internet.
If you often play Counter Strike, then you should have at least a saved config.cfg file, or even better, a full backup of the game folder. The easiest way to fix the program is to simply copy your saved copy and replace all changed files with backup when copying.
It is very convenient to search for changes in files using the Beyond compare program. In the program window, on the one hand, you open the folder with the game, and on the other hand, the folder with the backup. The program quickly detects which files in the game have been changed. And they can be easily replaced with backup files.
To avoid repeated damage to the CS, in the properties of the game folder, check the "Read only" checkbox. This will protect you from some types of hacking.
Also, when logging into the server, you can write the commands cl_allowupload 0 and cl_allowdownload 0 in the console. This will prevent the server from sending data to your computer. However, if you do not have enough of any resource, then you should put cl_allowdownload 1 to download it.
Play fair and you won't need these instructions.