The puzzle, in which you need to cross out 9 points with a broken line, serves as a kind of test task for thinking outside the box. The dots are arranged in 3 rows, 3 pieces in each, and the whole figure looks very much like a square. When completing this task, you must not tear the pencil off the paper. It is also impossible to carry out twice on the same site.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - pencil.
Step 1
Draw 9 dots. Arrange them in 3 rows so that each has 3 dots. Try to place the points at equal distances from each other.
Step 2
Remember what a broken line is. This is a line that consists of separate segments. The segments are connected to each other at their ends, but can go in different directions. The perimeter of any polygon is a closed polyline. Any figure consisting of several straight line segments can be viewed as a broken line, and this must be borne in mind when dealing with such puzzles.

Step 3
Start drawing a polyline from any corner. For example, from the bottom left. Draw the first line through the point in the middle of the square to the upper right corner. This will be the end of the first segment.
Step 4
Draw a second line through all the points in the top row. You are in the upper left corner. Continue this segment a little further so that it goes beyond the square. Imagine a point that is in line with those in the middle of the left and bottom sides. This will be the end of the second segment.
Step 5
Cross out the dots in the middle of the left and bottom sides of your square. Continue the third segment further, to an imaginary continuation of the right side down. This will be the end of the third segment of your polyline.
Step 6
Draw the fourth line. It will go up and end in the upper right corner. It turned out a broken line, with which you crossed out all 9 points, and all the conditions of the problem were fulfilled.
Step 7
The puzzle can be solved in another way. In this case, you also have to go outside the square. Start moving from any angle. Let it be the top right point. Move your pencil diagonally. Thus, you will cross out the center point and the lower left, where the end of the first segment will be.
Step 8
Draw the next line horizontally to the right. Cross out both points in the bottom row and continue moving approximately the same distance as between the points in the same row. Imagine that you have one more point there.
Step 9
From the end of the second segment, draw a straight line, crossing out the points that are in the middle of the right and top sides of your square. Continue the line so that the next inflection point of your line is on the same vertical line with the two remaining points. Cross them out with a short line.