Irish dances are popular all over the world, but they have won special love in the CIS. Perhaps this happened because the contradictory Russian soul found the path of persecution and prohibitions through which the Irish passed, who managed to pass on their culture from generation to generation, as inspiring. In addition, Irish dancing is a beautiful and spectacular sight.

Step 1
Irish dancers use two types of shoes - soft lace-up slippers without heels and heels - soft and hard shoes - hard shoes with a small heel and a heel on the toe, due to which the shoes acquire a very interesting look. It is best for a beginner dancer to start practicing in ballet shoes or Czech shoes for lack of software. But with dances performed in stiff shoes, you will have to wait. Hardy is a very specific shoe that cannot be replaced with ordinary shoes or sneakers, so if you still decide to learn how to dance these types of Irish dances, you will have to order shoes from Ireland.
Step 2
In Irish dance competitions, you may have seen female dancers in short dresses with wide skirts embroidered with Celtic patterns. Young people perform in tight trousers, shirts with wide sleeves and vests. For a beginner girl dancer, it will be most convenient to practice in a short skirt or shorts; young people can take shorts or narrow trousers to class. It is important that the clothing does not restrict movement.
Step 3
Irish dance consists of basic movements - jumping, movements of both the feet and the whole leg. Dances in stiff shoes include trebles - two quick strikes on the floor with the toe of a boot, clicks - strikes with heels against each other, strikes on the floor with a full foot, as well as jumping. Although the dance elements are the same, each school has its own dance patterns. That is why video recording of the competition is prohibited. If you decide to learn Irish dance, you need to enroll in a dance school. Usually dance schools hold a recruitment once or twice a year - in September and January.
Step 4
Of course, you can start learning the basic elements at home using descriptions or video tutorials. However, you should be aware that this can be traumatic, because Irish dances include jumping, and it is very important to be able to land correctly. An experienced dancer will explain to you how to do it, otherwise you risk seriously injuring your ankle.