Warm and trendy cardigans are indispensable in cold weather. With a certain skill, you will create unique products with your own hands, both for an everyday look and for going out. You can knit a simple cardigan with knitting needles for beginners pretty quickly if you choose an actual chunky knit, an uncomplicated pattern and a simple feminine style.

Cardigan knitting for beginners: useful tips
- Large knitting will allow not only to reduce the time spent on working on a large-sized product, but also to create a stylish outfit, which will be characterized by a kind of stylish negligence. However, the canvas should not look rough - practice with the swatches so that the loops are the same size.
- To knit a cardigan with a large knit, take knitting needles from the sixth to the fifteenth number and select a working thread of the appropriate thickness.
- If you choose a working tool with a diameter of no. 10, that is, you create a voluminous and rather heavy canvas, it is recommended for convenience to knit in straight and reverse rows on circular knitting needles with fishing line.
- Optimal knitting on thick knitting needles - hosiery, shawl and elastic. Large reliefs, such as braids and plaits, should not be chosen for dense fabric.
Chunky Knit Cardigan Back
Try to knit a simple cardigan with needles # 7 and 8. For size 48, cast on the smaller needles 102 loops and tie 12-13 cm with 1x1 elastic. Depending on the density of your knit and the size you want, adjust the number of starting loops.
After completing the bottom elastic strap, continue to knit the cardigan with a larger diameter knitting needle or other pattern of your choice. After 62 cm from the beginning of the product, begin to decrease the loops for the raglan sleeve. First, close 8 loops symmetrically on both sides.
Then, after a row, subtract 1 loop on the left and right 30 times in the following sequence:
- edging;
- remove one loop as the front one;
- perform the next loop with the front one and drag it through the removed one;
- at the end of the row in front of the edge pair of adjacent loops, knit together the front one.
When 26 loops remain on the needles (this is 31 cm from the place where the bevelling of the fabric for the sleeve began), close all the thread arms.
Cardigan shelves
Continue knitting the Chunky Knit Cardigan from the left shelf. On knitting needles # 7, follow the pattern of the bottom of the finished back, then on knitting needles # 8, work with the main pattern. At the same time, for the plank, make 8 extreme loops on one side of the part with a 1x1 elastic band and end the row with an edge band. Having counted 40 cm from the bottom of the product, make an entrance to the pocket:
- set aside 25 loops;
- cast the same number of thread bows on the needles # 7;
- from the newly recruited loops, make a knitted stocking pocket fabric (10-15 cm, depending on the desired depth of the part).
Next, work on the cardigan with # 8 needles, using these 25 stitches, not the stitched ones. Raglan pattern the back. Having counted 70 cm from the beginning of the knitting of the shelf, begin to form a cutout: on the left, knit through a row along a pair of extreme loops of the front surface together, continue to make the bar with an elastic band. Perform such deductions a total of 8 times. Then on the eight thread bows for the bar, continue to make the elastic, knit another ten centimeters in this way and set the loops aside.
For the pocket, also make a strap with a 1x1 elastic, 4-4.5 cm high. Use needles # 7 on those 25 stitches that were set aside earlier. Start and finish knitting with knit stitches. Follow the pattern for the right shelf.
Cardigan sleeves
For sleeves, cast 58 stitches on smaller needles and tie an elastic band 8 cm in height, then go to # 8 and work with the main pattern. In this case, you need to make increments in order to form a wedge-shaped sleeve. Perform them on each side in the following sequence:
- in every sixth row, 14 times, 1 loop;
- in every fourth row 10 times in a loop;
- in every second row 4 times in a loop.
In total, as a result of knitting the bevel of the sleeves, there should be 86 loops on the knitting needles. When you count 36 cm of fabric from the edge of the sleeve, form a raglan, taking the back as a sample, and then close the row. From the bottom edge to the final row - 67 cm.
How to assemble cardigan parts
You have now knitted a simple cardigan! Now there is only one thing left to do - to sew all the details together. Sew back seams with working thread and a large-eye darning needle. Connect the sides of the main pieces and sleeves. On the shelves, the thread arms of the slats remained open - attach them to the neck of the back.
Sew on the strips of each pocket (their short sides), and make the seams of the burlap from the wrong side of the product. It remains only to attach the fasteners - buttons, which can be purchased at the hardware store.
This simple description of the knitting of a cardigan can be taken as a basis and make changes to your taste: adjust the length of the product; make sleeve cuffs; leave holes for buttons and decorate the cardigan with interesting accessories. By changing the diameter of the needles and the pattern, you can get products of different textures and densities.