Not everyone has an artist's talent. But if you are not going to create masterpieces for centuries, but just want to perform images for your own pleasure, this is not so difficult to learn.

Those who want to learn how to draw a horse, but do not dare, should not postpone such a pleasant lesson. As difficult as this task may seem, in fact it is not. You can learn how to draw a horse on paper with only a little skill in drawing figures. A few workouts - and you will succeed in drawing better and better.
How to draw a horse
The most difficult thing when drawing horses, and other animals, is the exact observance of proportions. The more close to real you display them, the more graceful and beautiful the animal will turn out. Particular attention should be paid to details such as the horse's head and hind legs.
Think about how the finished drawing should look like, decide on the pose of the horse, decide how you will position the animal on a piece of paper. Start with simple poses and easy-to-view angles. For example, start with a picture of a horse calmly standing sideways to you.
It is convenient to use geometric shapes as initial outlines for drawing animals. First, you need to outline with the help of circles the main parts of the body - the head, chest and croup. Try to position them correctly in relation to each other on the paper sheet. Next, sketch out the outlines of the head, neck and legs. Start at the line of the neck, at the top of the curve. Mark with a small circle where the head will end, draw the mouth.
Move on to drawing the legs. You need to start with those that are closer to you in the figure. Draw two pairs of small circles, marking the places where the legs bend, connect with lines - this will outline their position. Hooves can be marked with triangles. Now start sketching out the leg muscles. The hardest part to draw the horse's hind legs correctly is because they bend backwards.
Small details of the drawing
Check the proportions of the intended body parts, and if everything is correct, continue working. It's time to outline the mane, the bend of the back, the stomach, more carefully draw the neck and chest. By sketching the muscles of the legs, chest and neck, you will give the horse a more realistic figure. Determine where the ears, nostrils and mouth will be located on the head. To make a good realistic image, it is better to try to draw the head separately. With a few sketches, you can examine the bumps and muscles on the horse's head - this will help you display them correctly in the future.
If it seems to you that everything is working out well, you can erase the extra lines in the drawing. Tweak the contours of the animal's body, if necessary, and admire your work. There are little things left: add small details like eyes, nostrils, depict a mane and tail, draw hooves and make a background.