Burime is an addicting game suitable for having a fun party with your best friends. Burime (bout rime) in translation from a foreign language sounds like "rhymed line ends." The essence of the game is as follows: the players are offered several rhymed words (usually their number varies within 4), from which it is necessary to compose a meaningful verse.

The Burime game has several rules. When choosing rhymed endings, one should take into account not only consonance, but also the originality of the text. If you pick up hackneyed phrases, the poem will sound sluggish and uninteresting. Do not include words of the same root or verb rhymes in verses. They also avoid using obscene language.
These Burime rules are advisory. Players have the right to change them at will, add new restrictions, exclude established ones. For example, instead of the usual four lines, you can compose a sonnet. This will give the game more liveliness.
Very often, players try to come up with rhymes that seem completely incompatible. However, this only adds spice and unpredictability to the game.
To compose burime, you need to delve into the technique of composing such poems. Rhymes, for example, are included in the order in which they were originally set. However, this rule also has an exception. Words are allowed to be interchanged if cross rhymes are given. For example, the pairs “rich / sunset” and “stream / nobody's” can be put in this order: rich / stream / sunset / nobody's.
How to compose burime so that the poem has meaning and interesting content? To do this, you need to connect your own imagination, get creative with the task. Then, from contrasting rhymes, you will get a truly fascinating verse with an intricate plot. The content also depends on the mood of the players, their view of the world.
You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the game on many sites or forums. You can also play there, acquiring the invaluable practice of composing poetry. Burima sites provide a wide variety of rhymes that can be used to play. Here you can also read ready-made poems. If you wish, you can leave your own composition. Sometimes website builders hold contests for the best poet. Every author can take part.