Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote: “Poetry is the same mining of radium. // In gram production, in years of work. // You exhaust a single word for the sake of // Thousands of tons of verbal ore. If you are not ready to devote your life to such a selfless service to the Muse, then you will not see the laurels of a professional poet. But if you do not want to get into textbooks on literature, but you are still not indifferent to the high syllable, then a few basic rules will help you write good poetry.

It is necessary
reverse dictionary of the Russian language
Step 1
Master basic poetry. Of course, no one canceled the artless poetic sketches on the topic of everyday life and not only, written in the spirit of "I loved him, and then I forgot." But true poetry is allegorical. And in order to express its allegory, poets use metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, litoty, paraphrases, comparisons, epithets and many other devices. These techniques are a working tool of the master of the word; they enrich and decorate the verse.
Step 2
Learn the top poetic meters and features of the verse meter. Poetic meter is a specific scheme according to which stressed and unstressed syllables are placed in the poetic foot. Poetic meters include iambic, trochee, anapest, dactyl, amphibrachium. In principle, a rare poet, in a fit of inspiration, specially thinks through this point of writing a verse, but knowing the dimensions is still not useless. This will open up new opportunities for you to realize your creative ideas.
Step 3
Practice rhyming. Rhyme is by no means the main element of a good poem, in addition to this, the rhythm of the verse and the meaning are also important. But skillful rhyming also does not hurt. Rhyme is the consonant ending of words. In order not to slip into platitudes like "blood is love", it is useful to study the different types of rhymes and ways of rhyming. If you find it difficult to choose consonant words yourself, use the reverse dictionary of the Russian language. The words in it are arranged in groups according to the common endings, which will greatly facilitate the search for rhyme.
Step 4
Analyze the basic techniques for writing poetry. If you want to create a work according to all the traditions of versification, then you need to know the basic schemes of certain poems. After studying them, you can compose a broken verse, play with rhymes and rhythm, or flaunt free verse. Or you can compose in the classical technique, but in any case, you will broaden your poetic horizons.
Step 5
Keep track of the syllable and style of your piece. The use of mat, colloquial expressions, jargon in a poem is a sign of bad taste. Although modern poets push the boundaries of what is permissible, poetry should still remain a part of a high and elite culture.