How To Write Happy Birthday Poetry For Him

How To Write Happy Birthday Poetry For Him
How To Write Happy Birthday Poetry For Him

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Writing poetry is not easy. Usually a poem is born at those moments when the stream of the unconscious pours onto the paper in the form of graphically expressed sounds, melodies, phrases. But there are times when a verse just needs to be written, regardless of inspiration or desire. In this case, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

How to write happy birthday poetry for him
How to write happy birthday poetry for him

It is necessary

  • - knowledge of the main personal qualities of the addressee;
  • - synonym dictionary;
  • - rich vocabulary or rhyme vocabulary.


Step 1

To write a congratulatory poem for a male birthday boy, you first need to draw up a short psychological portrait of this person. Any verse is, first of all, a message, which means that it is important that this message is heard. A few rhymed lines will not become a congratulatory verse if the birthday person is indifferent or even disgusted with the words addressed to him. When drawing up a psychological portrait, first of all, you need to pay attention to the age of the birthday person (the vocabulary depends on this), his character (soft or brutal), attitude towards the author of the future poem, that is, towards you.

Step 2

A congratulatory poem is written on the basis of a psychological portrait. For example, if the birthday person is a person who feels subtle matters and treats you with love and tenderness, it is better to write a verse in your own name. In such a verse, it is better to use only feminine rhyme (the endings of the lines are unstressed, for example: “A strong male shoulder / Doesn't give me peace of mind”), and in the lyrics, focus on emotions, feelings, impulse, and not an idea and deep content. Sincerity of feelings and tenderness are the main weapons of such a verse.

Step 3

If the birthday man is a brutal macho, unable to appreciate the emotional impulse, then the verse should be "masculine." Use the masculine endings of the lines in the poem (for example, "Oh, what a man you are! / You are just chic for me!"), Add a little humor that you both understand, focus on the best qualities of the birthday person, extolling and praising them.

Step 4

When writing a poem, use only words that are understandable to the addressee. A nine-year-old boy is unlikely to understand the meaning of the phrase “my blood is faster than an electron in a red-hot synchrophasatron”, but for a thirty-year-old man it would be strange to hear “oh-lyuli, oh-lyuli, we baked pies”. The main problem for novice poets is often the search for rhyme, but any dictionary of rhymes on the Internet will help to cope with this. In fact, the main task of the poet is to keep the rhythm of the poem and not break the foot. This is often done by simply tapping out the rhythm as you read each line. If you hear that this or that line is out of rhythm, feel free to rewrite it.

Step 5

Reread the poem again to look for stamps. Beware of classic poetry cliches. These, for example, include the rhymes "roses-frosts", "heart-door", "blood-love" or "congratulations-wish." A congratulatory poem simply must be original, and therefore you should not borrow phrases or whole stanzas from the classics. Finally, patch up the narrative holes. Some words, for example, can be read with different accents, and some phrases can be filled with different meanings for different types of people. And if one person in the phrase “fry all night” hears the complaint of an army chef, then another may hear something that is not childish at all. Make sure that there are no such random ambiguities in your verse, and the birthday person will see in the text only what you would like.
