Why Does A Person Write Poetry

Why Does A Person Write Poetry
Why Does A Person Write Poetry

There are dozens of reasons why people write poetry. Some of these reasons are related, others may sound contrived and strange. However, versification is a rather specific area of creativity that attracts very specific people who have their own, special idea of the world.


Poetry as a therapy

Some people start writing poetry to stand out from the crowd. Children who lack warmth from loved ones and who have problems making friendships often begin to write poems in order to feel like someone more significant. However, this also includes writing prose. In this case, poetry is a kind of protest. Such verses are usually maximalistic, not too beautiful and correct. Over time, if a person finds another motivation for writing poetry, realizes them as his vocation, his creativity improves qualitatively.

Writing of poetry can become a form of a kind of psychotherapy. With the help of poetry, you can express your feelings, emotions, experiences. Many poets notice that poems help them get rid of obsessive thoughts and feelings: by achieving ideal formulations, rhythm and rhymes, poets free themselves from too strong feelings, negativity, and complex emotions.

The poem in its brevity, complexity, formalization, as it were, strengthens the existing emotions and feelings, makes them sharper and brighter. Therefore, many poets write poetry during periods of depression, depression, oppression. Writing poetry can help in self-knowledge, sometimes it can demonstrate some dark sides, allows you to realize them and possibly start working with them. First of all, this applies to poems written in difficult periods of life. It should be noted that many poets cannot work on poems when everything is fine in their lives.

Poems for glory

Despite the fact that most poets claim to write poetry “for themselves,” recognition is important to them, as it is to any other person. Writing poems, especially if you have developed your own style, your own way of working with words, can bring recognition, fame and glory. This is especially true of those poets who write sharp and evil poems on topical topics, such creativity simply cannot go “on the table”. Fortunately, social media has made it much easier to spread any kind of word creation.

Not all poets are ready to write poetry to order. Even with excellent command of the word, this process becomes quite painful, since inspiration in this case does not always come. However, writing poetry is not the worst way to make a living, even if it is available to few.
