How To Print Poetry

How To Print Poetry
How To Print Poetry

Table of contents:


How often do amateur poets write on the table, although they could compete with professionals. This is not due to a lack of experience, but because too many people have recently appeared willing to write poetry. Either it happened before - every poet is a genius! Nowadays, you have to fight for a place in the sun in the poetry community.

How to print poetry
How to print poetry

It is necessary

  • - Internet connection;
  • - Money.


Step 1

What if you feel at least a capable poet, and you want your poems to be read not only by close relatives and friends? If publishers do not bombard you with requests to publish with them - declare yourself.

Step 2

The cheapest way to publish poetry is to register on the national poetry server Poems. Ru. Each work posted here receives a Publication Certificate of the Russian Literary Club. And since Poetry. Ru is a registered electronic media outlet, your poems will also receive the status of those printed in a newspaper or magazine. In addition, you will have a chance to be noticed by a famous poet or publisher.

Step 3

Join a literary club or writers union. You can get acquainted with the existing organizations here Study the conditions for joining, apply. If you are a really talented poet, you will have the opportunity to print your poems with the support of the club / union

Step 4

Take part in poetry contests. They are free (you have to find them yourself) and paid. The organizers of the latter will most likely send you their advertisements as soon as you position yourself as a poet on some popular poetry site. Winning a competition can earn you a publication in a magazine, or even a paid poetry collection.

Step 5

Print poetry at your own expense. If participation in the competition seems too tedious for you, or you doubt the fairness of the judges to you, try to print several copies of your collection of poetry yourself. Many printers offer short-run printing services. The advantage is that the price may include obtaining an ISBN number, mailing to libraries, etc.

Step 6

Do not give up! There is no money to print poetry, but the desire to publish your work does not disappear? Write directly to publishers. The official sites always have information for authors. Select poetry publishers, find out their artwork requirements, and submit your masterpieces. If you're lucky, the publishing house will pay for the printing of your poems, and even deal with their implementation.

Step 7

Keep in mind that editors always have a lot of work to do, so a response may come in six months. If there is no answer, then most likely your work was not appreciated this time. Don't be discouraged, keep trying and you will succeed!
