E-books are becoming more and more popular. But paper ones will not soon go out of use either. Each type of book has advantages and disadvantages. Before abandoning ordinary books and completely switching to an electronic "reader", you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Step 1
The indisputable advantage of a paper book is that it does not depend on any electronic devices, it does not need to be charged, it is able to store information for many years and even centuries. But it can take up a lot of space and weigh a lot. The advantage of an e-book is that a huge library can be loaded into a relatively small and even very small "reader". But the e-book needs to be charged. In addition, there is a risk of losing information if the memory card suddenly fails.
Step 2
The second advantage of the e-book reader is the price. Modern paper books are quite expensive. For the money you spend on your reading room, you can buy two or three paper books, or even less. Prices for e-book readers are constantly falling. In addition, the functions of an e-book are also found in other electronic devices - a tablet and even a mobile phone.
Step 3
The e-book provides a lot of opportunities for those with poor eyesight. You can choose a model with a variable font, different lighting options, etc. Paper books, of course, do not have anything like this - what font it is printed in, that will have to be read. In addition, text in paper books is sometimes erased or faded. Book readers have nothing like that. If there is a problem with the electronic text, you can download it again. But it should be borne in mind that not all fonts are accepted by e-book readers, so do not be surprised if instead of an italicized epigraph you see lines of question marks or something like that.
Step 4
Many people like to re-read books, and not completely, but favorite places. The e-book reader is not very suitable for this, since you will most likely have to remember the numbers of the pages you like. Many reading lovers are also stopped by the fact that in electronic editions made from famous paper books, there are not always illustrations. Not everyone likes the fact that all books, if you upload them into an e-book reader, turn out to be like "one person" and there is no opportunity to examine and touch the cover.
Step 5
The convenience of an e-book also lies in the fact that you do not need to search for the required edition for a long time. It is enough to correctly form the folders, and it will take only a few seconds to find the desired book. In a large home library, even a very tidy owner sometimes has to rummage for a long time. In addition, you can add your favorite books to favorites in the e-book reader, and then you will not need to search for them at all.
Step 6
The e-book may have additional functions. There may be a built-in audio or video player, image viewer, games, etc. Lovers of "pure" reading do not really like this. But such opportunities delight those who often travel and strive to occupy themselves on the road with something interesting with a minimum weight of luggage.
Step 7
For a person who loves to read, there is no need to choose between paper and e-books, no. These objects do not contradict each other at all. Even the most ardent adherent of paper books is useful to have a "reading room" in which you can store books that are not needed every day. You can do the opposite, that is, upload into the reader books that you have long wanted to have in your library, but have not been able to purchase.