The GoPro camera is known for extreme video enthusiasts all over the world. It is this camera that is associated with the whole genre of adventure and sports video. Unfortunately, the price of the camera is very high and not everyone can afford to buy it. In addition to the camera itself from a well-known brand, there are very good budget counterparts, which often turn out to be even better in some moments than the original itself.

Step 1
The GitUp Git2 Pro camera will cost the buyer about 11 thousand rubles. and at the same time it will delight him no worse than the GoPro itself. This is a young brand that produces an almost complete analogue of the eminent device. User reviews on the web indicate that the camera is noteworthy and is capable of taking very good photos and videos.
Step 2
There is also a cheaper analogue. For example, the ParkCity GO 10 PRO camera will cost the buyer only 4 thousand rubles. Reviews about this device are very positive, although the technical characteristics of the camera are slightly weaker than their counterparts from this group. But she has an undeniable advantage. The low cost will allow the camera to be used where a more expensive camera is simply a pity. Accordingly, it will turn out to make more interesting and rare frames.
Step 3
One of the best alternatives that won't be too burdensome for your budget while still offering great performance is the SJCAM camera. The device is very similar to the original GoPro, but it is assembled in a colorful, bright housing. Specifications are great and all GoPro features have been implemented. The camera will cost only 8 thousand rubles, which makes it one of the best and most functional analogs.
Step 4
Another interesting analogue of GoPro is devices from BlackView. They inherited the loud name Hero and have already released two modifications of action cameras. The electronics in the cameras are very decent, and the user reviews are quite positive. The price of the camera ranges from 8 to 10 thousand rubles. Needless to say, BlackView Hero 2 has more advanced hardware than its younger brother.