Orchid: Home Care

Orchid: Home Care
Orchid: Home Care

Orchid is a magical, fabulous plant. It is simply impossible not to fall under the charm of this flower. If an orchid has appeared in your house, you need to know how to properly care for it, water it, transplant and feed it. Then the flower will nobly respond to your attention, it will delight you for many years.

Orchid: home care
Orchid: home care

Orchid transplant, care

It is recommended to change the soil as the substrate is compacted or the bark is destroyed. Orchids are usually transplanted once every three years. To do this, you need to use a special substrate designed exclusively for orchids. It is better to transplant in the spring, during the activation of growth processes, so the flower can more easily endure stress.

Orchids tolerate a transplant in the autumn or winter period worse, they recover slowly. Do not transplant the plant during flowering under any circumstances, otherwise it will end quickly.

The most suitable container for transplanting an orchid is a clear plastic pot. The roots of this flower need light, as do the leaves. Carefully remove empty, dry and dead roots, old soil (you can immediately plant the children). Within two months after the transplant, you need to add a special preparation "Zircon" to the irrigation water (2-3 drops per glass of water). Feed the orchid with this solution once a week, this will help the flower take root faster.

Temperature and lighting conditions

It is recommended to keep a home orchid in the west or east window, but you can also in the very depths of the room under a special phytolamp designed for plants (you can replace it with a white light fluorescent lamp). Orchids especially need additional lighting during the autumn and winter period. Daylight hours for a flower should be at least 14 hours.

The optimum temperature for growing an orchid should be 20-25 ° C in summer, 16-18 ° C in winter. Between day and night, the plant should experience a difference in temperature (about 3-5 ° C), this is very important for stimulating flowering. If the air temperature exceeds 25 ° C in winter, the orchid will not bloom.

In indoor conditions, the orchid can be propagated vegetatively - by lateral shoots. They are formed not only at the base of the outlet, but also on the peduncle. Wait for the formation of at least one root in the children, then plant it in a pot.

Spraying and watering

It is recommended to water home orchids with soft, settled water from a watering can through the top of the pot. In this case, the roots and substrate should dry out once a week. If the roots are constantly in a moist substrate, then the risk of rotting increases significantly.

When not flowering, immerse the orchid pot in a bucket of water for one minute. After that, let the excess water drain and then put the container back in place. The irrigation temperature should be three degrees higher than the air temperature (approximately 28 ° C).

Spray the orchid leaves regularly with settled water (at least three times a day), especially during the period when the heating is turned on, when the air humidity is low. During flowering, try not to fall on the buds, brown spots may appear on the petals from the water.
