Why Do Ficus Leaves Fall At Home

Why Do Ficus Leaves Fall At Home
Why Do Ficus Leaves Fall At Home

Ficus is an evergreen houseplant. With proper care, he can delight everyone with his beautiful appearance for a long time. But sometimes there is a sudden fall of ficus leaves. What could be the reason for this, and how can this be prevented?

Why do ficus leaves fall at home
Why do ficus leaves fall at home

Ficus not only has beauty, but also has some useful abilities. In particular, this plant absorbs harmful formaldehyde in the room and fills it with oxygen. Ficus is also credited with some superpowers. It endows a person with positive energy, extinguishes aggression, relieves irritability, and gives decisiveness and determination to insecure people.

When growing ficus at home, some difficulties may arise. And one of them is the sudden fall of leaves.

Reasons why ficus leaves fall and their solution

There are many reasons why this can happen. This phenomenon can most often be observed in winter or early summer. In winter, cold drafts and low room temperatures become such a reason. Therefore, the ficus must be protected from cool air. The optimum temperature in winter should be +18 - +20 degrees.

In summer, on the contrary, you need to protect the plant from direct sunlight. To do this, use any method to shade it.

An overabundance of nutrients in the soil can also negatively affect the condition of the leaves. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it with feeding, especially in the winter, when the ficuses are in a state of rest.

Another reason why leaves fall on a ficus may be watering with cold water. To solve it, it is necessary to use warm water at room temperature, preferably less hard.

Falling leaves in different types of ficus can be caused by various reasons. Rubbery and lyre-like ficuses do not like waterlogging of the soil. With an abundance of moisture, they immediately shed their foliage. Therefore, it is better to keep them in a slightly dried form. For Benjamin's ficus, a lack of light or a sharp change in climate is disastrous. This is especially true when in the fall it is brought from the street into the room. This procedure must be carried out early enough, when the outside temperature still exceeds +20 degrees. It is better to immediately use additional artificial lighting in the room.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid leaf fall, then water the plant with restorative drugs that stimulate their growth, for example, "Epin".

But sometimes it is no longer possible to help the ficus, and this is directly related to its age. Aging can also cause leaf fall. In this case, you need to rejuvenate the ficus or replace it with a new one.
