Why Do Ivy Dry And Fall Leaves

Why Do Ivy Dry And Fall Leaves
Why Do Ivy Dry And Fall Leaves

Banal flaws in the care always lead to a violation of the growth and development of plants. And, if the flower's appearance deteriorates, then there are reasons, and urgently needs to help him.

Why do ivy dry and fall leaves
Why do ivy dry and fall leaves

Ivy or heder is a very common plant that is not difficult to care for. As a rule, it does not cause trouble for the owner. Is that, in winter, when the houses include steam heating and the air in the rooms becomes very dry. It is at such a time that one should be more attentive to the behavior of this plant.

High temperatures must be accompanied by increased humidity. And if the plant is located near the batteries, then a spider mite will immediately attack it. The leaves take on a lifeless yellowish color and crumble.


With severe damage, a cobweb is visible on the back of the leaves. A brown border appears along the edges of the leaves - this is a consequence of the warm air from hot batteries. If the soil in the pot is watered abundantly (and it dries up quickly in such a place), then brown spots appear on the leaves. The plant is withering away. All these flaws are interconnected.

Place the pot in a cool place where the temperature will be in the 10-20 ° C range. Ivy is not afraid of the draft. He will feel great at the balcony aisle, in any place where the breeze is walking.

If a moderate temperature is provided, then watering should be moderate. Ivy has a shallow superficial root system. In winter, with a lack of adequate lighting, it is better to give it a rest.

Do not feed the flower until spring to avoid stimulating growth.

And what is important: regularly, once a week, rinse all the leaves for him with water at room temperature, give him a shower, but at the same time cover the soil with foil. This is a very powerful and simple method. Recommended leaf spraying tips are ineffective in practice.

When a tick appears, you can also apply a soap solution to the leaves (laundry or tar soap) for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

If ivy is badly damaged by a tick, the cobweb is the signal, then you will have to use drugs for the tick. The choice of them in stores is great. There are biological (agravertine, fitoverm) and chemical agents (actellic, anti-mite), which are used strictly according to the instructions.
