A tangerine growing at home will certainly need a transplant sooner or later. The reason for this, as a rule, is the tightness of the pot. It is recommended to replant young trees once a year, if the plant is older than seven years, the transplant should be done every two years.

To transplant a tangerine, you will need to prepare a special soil mixture. You need to choose a citrus mixture or compose it yourself. To do this, take half of the required volume of sod land, for the other half, leaf earth, humus and sand are mixed in equal parts.
The pot in which you will transplant the tangerine must be selected several centimeters larger than the previous diameter. A small plant cannot be transplanted into a large pot in advance - this can lead to decay of the root system. In addition, it is impractical, and from an aesthetic point of view, it does not look very good.
A tangerine growing at home prefers light substrates with low acidity, like those trees that grow in nature. At the bottom of the container prepared for transplantation, drainage must be laid to prevent root rot and stagnation of water. The material for drainage can be small stones or expanded clay, pieces of foam plastic, fragments of ceramics.
You can not transplant indoor tangerine while it is blooming. This is best done in the spring, when the plant wakes up after wintering.
A couple of days before transplanting, you must stop feeding the plant. Fertilizers should not be used for a couple of weeks after transplanting to allow the tree to calmly settle in a new place.
After the plant is transplanted, it needs to be watered a little so that the soil can settle and settle down. After half an hour, the plant is inspected, if necessary, add a little more earth to the pot.