New Year's holidays are coming soon, and their peculiar symbol, among other things, is tangerines. We waited so much for them in New Year's gifts some 10 years ago. And so that the holiday would not go away longer, they tried to collect seeds and grow them at home into a full-fledged tree.

It is really very easy to grow a tangerine from a bone at home. It is enough not to throw out those bones that are found in the fruit. Collect them (at least 5-7 pieces, since not all seeds will sprout) and start!
How to germinate a mandarin seed?
To make the bones hatch, wrap them in several layers of gauze or a thin layer of cotton wool (for example, ordinary cosmetic cotton pads are suitable). As they dry, moisten them with standing water at room temperature.
As soon as a sprout appears from the seed, it can be planted in the ground. For growing tangerines at home, almost any land that is sold in a flower shop or hypermarket department is suitable (unless you should choose a mixture based on peat).
Mandarin grows slowly, so the first green shoots should be expected 2-4 weeks after planting the hatched seed.
How to care for tangerines at home?
Some complicated care of a tangerine tree is not needed. It is enough to water it with settled water at room temperature as needed, however, since mandarin is a southern plant, it will wither in the shade. Place the plant on a well-lit windowsill.
If the air in your room is dry, additionally spray the tangerine with clean water. An indoor fountain or humidifier can be an alternative to spraying.
As the tree grows, transplant it into a larger pot (the best time is the beginning of spring), trying to be as careful as possible to the roots of the plant.
For feeding, you can use organic and mineral fertilizers.