Growing a fragrant tangerine tree on a windowsill is not an easy task. But if you wish, anything is possible.

Step 1
For planting, you need seeds from the tangerine that you purchased in the store. When buying a tangerine, pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit - this is important for further germination. The seeds will need 5-10 pieces, since there is no guarantee that they will all germinate.
Step 2
Collect the bones in cheesecloth, place on a saucer and moisten abundantly with water. Leave it on for a few days. This is necessary for the swelling of the tangerine seeds.
Step 3
The ideal soil for planting will be soil intended for citrus crops. It can be purchased from a garden store. Peat mixtures are not suitable for planting tangerines, the soil should be light and nutritious. Do not forget about the presence of drainage.
Step 4
Tangerine seeds take a long time to germinate. Germination can take up to a month. The peculiarity of the tangerine tree is its long growth, so be patient. The advantage of mandarin is its unpretentious content. It does not require special care in the presence of sunlight and timely watering. Mandarin is a sunshine lover, there should be plenty of it all year round. Therefore, you should not put the tree in the shade.
Step 5
In the summer, the tangerine requires abundant watering, the main thing is not to flood it. In winter, watering is limited, but care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the indoor air is dry, regularly spray the tree leaves with room temperature water. Transplanting a tangerine tree is required as it grows. The best time for transplanting will be the end of winter - early spring. It is necessary to transplant into a pot with a larger diameter by 3 -5 cm. When transplanting, use the transshipment method, preserving an earthen lump. This is necessary in order to preserve the root system of the tree.
Step 6
After a while, after the tree has been transplanted, it enters an active growth phase. At this time, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizing and organic fertilizers. A tangerine tree grows up to 1.5 m at home. Before it begins to bear fruit, it blooms abundantly