How To Grow A Coffee Tree At Home

How To Grow A Coffee Tree At Home
How To Grow A Coffee Tree At Home

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The coffee tree, exotic for our latitudes, can be successfully grown indoors and, moreover, get real beans, from which you can make a fragrant invigorating drink.

How to grow a coffee tree at home
How to grow a coffee tree at home


Step 1

The coffee tree can be grown from cuttings or seeds. Sow the seeds in a nutritious soil to a depth of 2 cm. Pour with warm water and place the container in a warm place. Be patient, because seedlings will appear only after a month.

Step 2

After the appearance of 2 leaves, transplant the seedling to a permanent place in a ceramic flower pot, on the bottom of which pour a layer of drainage, and then fill in a nutritious, slightly acidic soil, you can also use a ready-made soil with a pH of 3, 5 -4.

Step 3

A coffee tree grown from a cuttings can bloom very quickly, almost immediately after rooting. unlike citrus fruits, which need to be grafted, this plant retains all the properties of the mother. But coffee from cuttings grows more slowly than from seeds.

Step 4

For grafting, use the branches of last year's growth from the middle of the crown. Cut the apical branches obliquely with four leaves, while under the lower knot leave a piece of branch 2-3 cm long. Remove the bark from this part of the cutting (scratch with a needle). Thanks to this method, the roots will appear faster.

Step 5

Plant the prepared cuttings in cups filled with moist soil. Cover the top with a plastic bottle. When they take root, the greenhouse can be removed and transplanted into a permanent place in slightly acidic soil.

Step 6

A transplant to a coffee tree is needed only after its roots are completely entwined with an earthen ball. After a few years, the plant reaches an impressive size, in this case it is problematic to transplant, it will be enough to replace the top layer of soil in the pot annually.
