Do I Need To Feed Indoor Tangerine

Do I Need To Feed Indoor Tangerine
Do I Need To Feed Indoor Tangerine

A tangerine grown at home needs additional feeding. The soil in the container where the tree grows is quickly depleted, so regular additions of mineral and organic fertilizers will be necessary.

Do I need to feed indoor tangerine
Do I need to feed indoor tangerine

To feed the plant, fertilizers are used in soluble or dry form. In the spring, when daylight hours increase, additional feeding should be added a little. Vegetative and generative buds begin to multiply intensively in early spring, and additional nutrients are needed during this time.

Fertilize tangerine in the morning, like other indoor plants. The optimum ambient temperature is +18 degrees. Soluble fertilizers are used more frequently. The plant can be watered or reduced to a weaker concentration and sprayed on the leaves. Any of the complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is perfect. These elements are necessary for the plant in the first place.

The fertilizer must be dissolved in water at room temperature, previously settled. It is necessary to breed in strict accordance with the instructions so as not to harm the plant, otherwise you can provoke plant poisoning or chemical burns of the leaves. Top dressing in the period from March to September is enough to carry out twice a week, not more often.

Dry fertilizers should be applied even more carefully. Of course, their use will be more convenient - you can add them in the spring and for a while forget about feeding altogether. But the plant can use them quickly, and it is difficult to notice. It is impossible to make a large dose - because of the danger of an overdose.

Organic fertilizers can also be used. Infused cow dung is diluted in a ratio of 1/10. It is most useful to use organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers, in combination, for feeding the soil.