Modern florists know how to make bouquets of fresh flowers, amazing in their beauty and harmony. But even the most ingenious florists in the world are people just like us. To draw up ideal bouquets from the point of view of floristry, of course, you need to study a lot. But just a nice and beautiful bouquet can be collected by yourself, using the tips below.

Step 1
In a spring bouquet, it is better to combine no more than three shades. In addition, it is desirable that the flowers are also matched in a single color scheme. For example, when you are composing a spring bouquet of light purple lilacs and tulips, the latter should not be chosen yellow or red, otherwise the bouquet will look too colorful.
Step 2
And now about the types of flowers. There may be several of them in a bouquet. You can safely combine the sizes and textures of flowers. Smooth, double, needle-like, large and small flower heads - you can take any. At the same time, flowers with small corollas or pale colors are placed at the edges of the bouquet, and large and bright ones should take places closer to the center.
Step 3
Mix simple and complex flowers carefully. Let us explain: delicate and such simple field daisies, lilies of the valley or daffodils should not be combined with bright and exotic orchids or tropical anthurium. Such bouquets look tasteless. But extraordinary wildflowers (solidago, field iris) can be combined with any flowers, keeping them in the same color scheme.
Step 4
There cannot be a lot of greenery in a bouquet. Various greens complement the bouquet and should also be selected according to the rule of combining textures and sizes. For example, a dense and carved palm leaf with a glossy finish is suitable for an airy twig of asparagus. Only it is highly discouraged to collect the bouquet so that the flowers are hidden behind the greenery. Only light grains can be placed above the entire bouquet as a whole.
Step 5
The flower arrangement will look more interesting if you use flowers in different stages of dissolution. Combining tight buds with fully and incompletely opened flowers will be a good idea.
Step 6
The arrangement of flowers is also an important detail: they should look free in the bouquet, and not be knocked together in one heap.
Step 7
It is also desirable that the height of the flowers also be different. This will help give your bouquet a more natural feel.