Many holidays are not complete without a bouquet. We give flowers for birthdays, March 8, September 1, Valentine's Day and for many other reasons, be it the birth of a baby, a wedding or the presentation of a diploma. But the bouquet has one drawback: the flowers fade sooner or later. Therefore, bouquets of sweets are becoming popular today. This is a beautiful, tasty and unusual gift. You can make it with your own hands at home.

It is necessary
- - wicker basket (sold in many flower shops);
- - foam for floristry;
- - chocolates in foil;
- - corrugated paper in two colors: yellow and green;
- - wooden skewers;
- - tape - 2 meters;
- - scissors;
- - knife.
Step 1
Let's prepare a workplace.

Step 2
Using a kitchen or office knife, cut the floral foam so that it fills the bottom of the basket. To do this, first "try on" a block of foam to find out how much does not fit into the basket. From the main "brick" carefully cut oblique corners obliquely. Put the main piece in the basket and fill the empty spaces with the remaining material. As a result, the entire block ends up in the basket.

Step 3
Our wooden skewers are too long, so we cut them in half. Sticks are obtained with a length of approximately 20 centimeters. It is better to cut obliquely - it will be easier to pierce the sweets with a sharp end.

Step 4
Cut the yellow corrugated paper into squares (approximately 10 x 10 cm), and the green paper into strips about 15-20 cm long.

Step 5
Now the most difficult thing is to collect the flower. We pierce the candy from the bottom with a wooden skewer - we get the middle of the future flower. Now we make the petals, carefully twist the square around the "stem", just below the candy. Then, on the other side, we make the second petal. If the volume is small, you can add a third petal.

Step 6
Now we cover the place where we attached the petals with a green strip of paper. We twist it around the bottom of the flower.

Step 7
From above we fix the "leaves" and "petals" with a tape. We tighten it over the paper, tie it tightly. And we twist the ends of the tape with scissors.

Step 8
That's it, the first flower is ready. Now you need to make about 15-20 more of the same.

Step 9
When the first 15 flowers are ready, you can start filling the basket with them, sticking the skewers into the foam. After that, it becomes clear how many flowers still need to be made in order to completely fill the bouquet so that there is no free space and foam peeping out in the basket.

Step 10
When the basket is completely filled, level and arrange the petals beautifully. We also cut off strips 40 centimeters long from the tape, twist them with scissors and decorate the bouquet with them so that the ends hang from the basket on all sides. Now everything is ready!