Pigtail Beaded Necklace

Pigtail Beaded Necklace
Pigtail Beaded Necklace

This unusual necklace made of beads will make your look truly unique. This necklace will suit almost any occasion.

Pigtail Beaded Necklace
Pigtail Beaded Necklace

To create a necklace from beads with your own hands, you will need multi-colored (or one-color, if you wish) beads, a piece of chain, a clasp, two decorative caps, two large beads, two long pins (bent with rings on one side).

Helpful hint: choose small round beads.

The sequence of assembling a necklace from beads:

1. String the beads on thin threads to get 9-15 threads of beads for weaving braids from beaded strands-threads (each "strand" will have 3-5 beaded threads).

2. After you braid the braid (not very tight), collect the ends of the threads and knit. Attach them to the pin ring. Put a decorative cap on top of the knot through the pin, and behind it - a large decorative bead.

Helpful Hint: Do not use large beads if you think they will visually weigh down your necklace. In this case, attach the chain to the pin ring.

3. Fold the tip of the pin into a ring (using small round nose pliers) and hook a piece of chain onto this ring. Do the same on the other side, symmetrically.

4. Attach a snap hook to the free ends of the chain.

Useful tip: to create a bright necklace for a summer outfit, choose bright colors of beads, even contrasting ones. If you need a more discreet decoration, which is also suitable for an office with a strict dress code, stop at light colors of beads, make all the "strands" of the braids of the same soft color.
