Why Zemfira Will Stop Communicating With Fans

Why Zemfira Will Stop Communicating With Fans
Why Zemfira Will Stop Communicating With Fans

Not all artists communicate with their fans in person. For many fans, it is enough to perceive a person's creativity and not invade his personal space. However, when personal contact occurs, it can enrich both parties. Until recently, such a relationship - warm and human - was between Zemfira and her fans.

Why Zemfira will stop communicating with fans
Why Zemfira will stop communicating with fans

As Zemfira herself admitted, her relationship with the people who came to the concert evolved in different ways throughout her career. Even when there were thousands at concerts, emotional contact could occur, energizing both parties, or misunderstanding, despite the drive and love for music.

A radical change in the relationship between the singer and her fans happened during the "12" tour, which took place in the fall-winter of 2011. These were concerts in 12 cities, which the fans were really looking forward to.

During the tour, Zemfira shared her thoughts on the official website. She had reached out to fans through him before, but the recordings were quite low-key. This time, a special contact was established between the singer and the people in the hall. Zemfira shared her impressions directly from the stage during the concert. She admitted that she had different feelings for fans over the years - sometimes even to the point of annoyance. But it was now that she realized that she needed to “just love” in order to tune in to the same wavelength. After that, in her report on the tour, the singer frankly and touchingly said that during the “12” tour she was haunted by one word - “love”.

From that moment on, posts on the site began to appear more often, and the posts themselves were emotional and open. Any word Zemfira caused a wave of discussions in social networks and forums - the fans entered into a kind of "dialogue". However, these responses were not always respectful, polite, or just adequate. The specificity of the Internet is that any person can speak, regardless of the level of education and tact.

For many Internet inhabitants, the inseparability of flies and cutlets on the network is a standard situation. But this does not mean that everyone is ready to put up with her. Therefore, on July 5, Zemfira announced that she was stopping communication with the outside world. She noted that she was offended by the tone of commentators who, under the guise of "criticism", were simply rude, albeit in absentia, without thinking that the singer could read their words. Zemfira did not want to continue to receive tactless responses about aspects of life that have nothing to do with creativity. Not trying to influence the behavior of others, Zemfira decided to change her tactics. “I stop communicating with the outside world … I am not a doll that can be dissected, I am not a show business star,” the singer wrote on her website.
