How To Meet A Japanese Woman Learning Russian

How To Meet A Japanese Woman Learning Russian
How To Meet A Japanese Woman Learning Russian

The modern world is distinguished by a certain "openness of borders". Travel to other countries is still not available to everyone for financial reasons, in some cases it is hindered by political problems. But modern technological means make it possible to communicate and establish friendly relations with representatives of other nations, in particular, with the Japanese, even without traveling.

Japanese girl
Japanese girl

Japan attracts many Russians with its uniqueness, dissimilarity to Russia, which causes a desire to get to know the culture of this country better. This is best done by talking to the Japanese themselves. The stumbling block in this can be the language barrier. Of course, in Japan, as well as in Russia, many people speak English, but such a “triple translation (Russian-English-Japanese and vice versa) can pretty much distort the meaning. Learning Japanese is not easy, so there is a desire to find friends in Japan who study Russian. Such people are probably interested in Russian culture and will certainly want to communicate with Russians.

There are special sites for such international dating, one of them is When registering, the maximum data is indicated: gender, year of birth, country and city, hobbies, favorite books, films, music, a free-form story about yourself, a request to other users (here you can indicate, for example, with the inhabitants of which countries you would like to meet, or vice versa - indicate the categories of people with whom there is no desire to communicate), the purpose of acquaintance (from improving language skills to romantic relationships). In addition, you must specify the languages in which the user is able to communicate, and the level of proficiency in them.

The site has a convenient search system where you can select from the list the country (Location), language (Language), gender, age range (minimum age - 16 years, maximum - 110) and the purpose of dating. In this case, you need to select the female gender, Japan in the Location item and the Russian language in the Language item. In the "Keywords" field, you can specify some additional criterion - for example, a favorite writer, then the system will find Japanese women who know Russian and who also love it (if, of course, there are such on the site). True, it cannot be guaranteed that only Japanese women will be on the list, there may be Russians living in this country, but you can already read about this in the profiles. Then you can write personal messages to people, add them as friends, comment on their photos and posts - in a word, communicate like in any social network.

There are also sites that are specially adapted for communication for the purpose of learning languages, for example, Here, when registering, along with other data, the native language and the target language are indicated. Each user maintains a blog in the language he learns, and those for whom this language is native help him by correcting mistakes. To do this, the system shows each user on the main page posts in his native language. There are a lot of Japanese and Japanese women studying Russian on the site, their posts in Russian will certainly come across. Correction of errors is not limited to - the site has various communities of interest, a system for sending private messages.

Another similar site is Here, when registering, they also indicate the native and studied languages, whether the user is interested in the paid services of the teacher, whether he wants to establish friendly relations with other visitors or only wants to study with the teacher, as well as the usual personal data. To achieve this goal, after registration, you must press the button "Find a partner to learn the language", in the item "he / she speaks" select the Japanese language, in the item "he / she is studying" - Russian, from countries - Japan, gender - female. You can even write a specific Japanese city. compares favorably with the two sites described above by the presence of a Russian-language version.

There are other sites for international communication, which are also used by Japanese women who study Russian.
