Sometimes viewers give their recognition and love to performers who do not at all strive for fame. A striking example of this attitude of the public was the Polish actress Agata Trzebuchowska. She starred in the film "Ida" and, in addition to nominations for prestigious film awards, won awards at several festivals.

The celebrity never planned to connect her fate with cinema. She does not hide the fact that she happened to be on the set.
Star role
The biography of the future star began in 1992. The child was born on April 12. According to some sources, the place of her birth was Mexico City, other sources insist on Poland. Thoughtful and serious girl studied well at school. After completing the course, she decided to continue her education at the university. At the university, the student took up the study of anthropology and philosophy.
Agatha was never interested in acting. However, she liked to watch the movie, and Pavlikovsky's “My Summer of Love” became her favorite film. Trzebuhovskaya did not believe that it was this director who was inviting her to star in a new job when she received an invitation to the casting from Malgorzata Shumovskaya. A famous film actress in Poland was aware that her colleague was looking for a candidate for the main role in a new project. A girl accidentally seen in a Warsaw cafe seemed to her an ideal type.
Agatha came to audition, but it took a very long time to persuade her to shoot. The girl desperately resisted the director's requests, explaining that she was not interested in cinema, like the fame of the actress. Yes, and the recognition of the girl herself, the character proposed to her was radically different from her in character and habits.

The heroine believed all her life that her name was Anna, but it turned out that she was Ida. Almost until the end of the picture, she refuses to act, silently observing what is happening. The world gradually opens up for her and the audience from the moment the girl gets on the tram.
Successful premiere
The action takes place in Poland in 1942. The novice Anna goes to a relative before taking a vow. From Wanda, she learns her real name, Ida Lebenstein. The girl is also told that her parents died during the Holocaust. The daughter decides to find the place of their burial. Aunt Wanda goes with her. During their journey, both will discover many secrets of the past, and what they see will have an impact on the future.
In the course of their search, the heroines find themselves in a Polish peasant family, which hid the Lebensteins at the beginning of the war, but then became a direct participant in their death. Together with Ida's parents, their nephew, Wanda's son, also died. Baby Ida herself was given to the priest.
During the trip, the heroines' companion is a young musician who has become a "temptation by the world of feelings" for the girl. The burial place is opened for relatives only after consent to abandon the house. After being buried in the family's old cemetery, the mission can be considered complete.

On the way to the monastery, Ida realizes that she is not yet ready to tonsure, but nevertheless arrives back. Immediately she has to leave the monastery because of the news of the death of Wanda. The saxophonist who came to see off the last journey of the fellow traveler supports Ida. Young people spend time together, but still the girl chooses a life away from the world.
New perspectives
Critics enthusiastically received the new film. The Polish film adaptation won an Oscar as the best film in a foreign language. Agatha also received several nominations. She was nominated for the European Film Academy as the best actress. For the best debut, the girl was nominated for the national Polish award "Eagles".
After showing the film and receiving high marks from numerous offers to give an interview, Tshebuhovskaya resolutely refused.
The girl agreed that the work gave her a lot of new experience and invaluable skills. However, as before, the career of a film actress does not interest her at all. Yes, and too close attention of journalists distracts her from her studies.

But the debutante said that she does not exclude her return to the set in a different role. The debutante kept her promise. Agatha took part in the creation of the short films Pustostan and Skwar as a screenwriter and director.
After the triumph
The heroine of the first picture, Anna, lives in a closed village. One day she finds herself inside an abandoned house located opposite her home. Due to the difficulties that have arisen, a woman cannot immediately return home. However, then she no longer wants to leave the observation post, where she learned so much not only about her household, but also discovered a lot of unexpected things in herself.
According to the plot of the short film "Skwar", wishing to fulfill the request of a colleague, he visits an old woman, posing as her grandson.
Agatha keeps the topic of her personal life tightly closed. She never and nowhere publishes romantic pictures, does not talk about a possible relationship. The girl is of the opinion that even after becoming a media person, private life should be left only for herself and her family. Fans, even the most dedicated, have absolutely no need to know what is happening off stage or on screen with their idol.

That is why there is no information about either the young man or Trzhebuhovskaya's husband, or about the child or children. Agatha has no plans to start social media pages open to outsiders. And the direction of further creativity has not yet been determined by her. So far, many opportunities are open for the aspiring filmmaker. However, it is possible that Agatha will still choose the specialty she received after university.