How To Remodel A Denim Jacket

How To Remodel A Denim Jacket
How To Remodel A Denim Jacket

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A denim jacket is a practical and versatile thing. It can be worn not only with trousers as everyday sportswear. In combination with a feminine dress, beautiful shoes and fashion accessories, it will become an important part of an interesting walking outfit. Sooner or later, your favorite clothes wear out; you might just get bored with her style and color. Try redoing your denim jacket. Act according to your imagination and skill level. You can use some tips.

How to remodel a denim jacket
How to remodel a denim jacket

It is necessary

  • - tailor's and manicure scissors;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - threads and needles;
  • - a strip of thin fabric for tying;
  • - eyelets and riveting pliers (press punch);
  • - blade;
  • - strips of faux fur or decorative braid;
  • - leather or suede belt;
  • - an applique made of suede or leather;
  • - fabric dye;
  • - bleach;
  • - brush or spray bottle;
  • - vinegar;
  • - two towels.


Step 1

Try to create a trendy bolero from a classic denim jacket - a short sleeveless jacket in Spanish style. The classic model can be slightly modified by slightly shortening or simply tucking the sleeves.

Determine the desired length of the piece and cut the bottom. Tuck the bottom hem over the "face" of the jacket and process a 4-5 cm wide hem. Divide the folded edge into equal lengths and make holes for eyelets on their edges. You can install them with a special punch or tongs. They are sold in sewing supply stores; you can also put eyelets in the atelier. Thread a spectacular bow tie made of colorful, thin material through the holes. You can use a scarf.

Step 2

Turning a jacket into a vest is simple and practical, especially if the elbows are worn out.

Carefully open the connecting seams of the sleeves. It is more convenient to do this with a sharpened razor blade or nail scissors. Also remove the collar. Treat the neckline and armholes with matching faux fur strips. Ornamental braid can be used instead.

Step 3

If the clothes are initially long, make an elegant fitted blouse with a strap out of it.

Cut off the sleeve of the jacket like a T-shirt. Such a thing can be combined with a light skirt. If the garment does not have an adjacent silhouette, deepen the darts on the back. Cut out belt strips from the cut-off sleeve, process them on the sewing machine and sew along the belt line or slightly below it. Thread a pre-made leather or suede strap into the loops. It can be combined with an applique made of the same material on the vest shelves.

Step 4

Finally, you don't have to alter the jacket, but radically transform it with dye or bleach. Use the advice of experienced needlewomen.

Be sure to try the quality of the product on a piece of jeans. It is recommended to visit the designer shop for a wide range of quality fabric dyes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the product packaging. Usually a dye package is calculated for 400 g of dry fabric (check this ratio with a sales assistant!). If you want to make the chosen shade of the product deeper, just increase the amount of dye. You can use bleach instead of paint. You can make a denim jacket spotty by spraying it with whiteness with a spray bottle. If you bandage the product in several places and wash it in water and bleach, you will get interesting stains. Another option is to paint with a brush.
