What Does The Tattoo Ship Mean?

What Does The Tattoo Ship Mean?
What Does The Tattoo Ship Mean?

The tattoo in the form of a ship has a very scary story: originally it was made by sailors so that in the event of a shipwreck, their bodies could be identified by special drawings. Now this image has acquired a slightly different meaning.

What does the tattoo ship mean?
What does the tattoo ship mean?

The traditional meaning of a tattoo in the form of a ship

People, who often went out to sea, got themselves tattooed in the form of a ship, emphasizing their profession and love of wandering. The drawing itself could tell a lot about a person. For example, the image of a warship meant that the owner of the tattoo was used to battles, and the image of a sailing ship walking on water in a storm meant that the sailor had visited Cape Horn and passed this unusually difficult section.

Additional symbolism was given to the ship by other elements of the tattoo - inscriptions, skulls, bones, angel wings, rocks, flags, anchors, steering wheels, heavenly bodies.

It should also be noted that such an image was often used as a kind of amulet. Surprisingly, but true: the drawing of a ship crashing on reefs, fighting a storm, or even sinking, was actually intended to protect the sailor from the severity of the sea gods. Later, such a tattoo became a kind of amulet for all people who dream of safety while traveling.

What does the ship tattoo symbolize?

If earlier the tattoo in the form of a ship was used mainly by sailors, now it has become popular among people who have never been on the high seas. The symbolism of the image has also changed. Now it is chosen by people who want to emphasize their inclination to change places, love of travel and changes in life, rejection of stability.

In rare cases, even criminals use a tattoo depicting a ship. In this case, it means the desire to escape, the unwillingness to sit behind bars, as well as the choice of different places for gangster "work".

Such a drawing is ideal for creative individuals who do not like to sit still and constantly strive for perfection. In this case, it can mean not so much physical movement as a flight of fantasy. Light, graceful ships with raised sails, stretched from the wind, emphasize the importance of daydreaming, love of "soaring in the clouds."

If a woman chooses a tattoo in the form of a ship, it can mean a striving for perfection, a proud, independent spirit, a love of freedom. The classic female tattoo is a ship with scarlet sails, meaning the expectation of a miracle. Such a drawing can become a talisman that contributes to the fulfillment of desires.

Male variants of such a tattoo, as a rule, mean power, love of travel, desire to conquer, reliability, as well as strong character and independence.
