The swallow is a bird familiar to many, small and nimble, shortly before the rain, it announces the surroundings with its sharp cries. For a long time, swallows settle not only in holes dug in steep banks or in nests near a person's dwelling, but also on the bodies of men and women. After all, the swallow is a popular tattoo topic.

For those at sea
Swallow tattoos are common among sailors, and just people related to the sea. This has been the custom for a long time. After all, the swallow is the first bird living on land that sailors returning home could see. If you can see flying swallows in the sky, then the house is already close. In a foreign land, these nimble birds reminded people of families and native places, which are now far away, but a meeting with them will certainly happen. The swallow is a symbol of returning home, to loved ones. Previously, a sailor did not have the right to fill a swallow until he sailed at least seven thousand nautical miles, but today anyone can apply this drawing.
The embodiment of femininity
Often, the swallow is associated with the embodiment of beauty, tenderness and other features inherent in the fair sex. The ancient Greeks believed that the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite sent a messenger to earth instead of herself - a swallow swallow. In Japan, this bird was associated with maternal care and loyalty of family members to the home. In ancient Egyptian, Cretan and Sumerian cultures, the swallow also embodied maternal love.
Struggle and rebirth
The spread of Christianity endowed the swallow with its associations. The bird has come to be associated with rebirth, which certainly comes when it seems that there is no more hope. In Chinese culture, the swallow is a symbol of risk, danger, a daring attempt to change a difficult situation and the following favorable changes.
Speed and freedom
Many peoples associate a swallow freely hovering in the sky with freedom and speed. Indeed, this little bird flies very quickly, it is extremely difficult to keep up with it. This tattoo can be worn by people who value freedom. In particular, prisoners after serving their sentence can decorate their bodies with a similar pattern as a reminder of what is most valuable to them. Adherents of some martial arts adorned their hands with images of swallows. They hoped that the picture of the bird would help them strike faster during the fight.
Swallow in the modern world: how to understand
The swallow tattoo has many meanings, and it can be difficult to figure out what the drawing means. Pay attention to the additional elements. If the swallow is decorated with an ornament of clover leaves, most likely it will be a wish of good luck, a favorable outcome. If a swallow carries a flower in its beak, it is a symbol of youth and beauty - such a tattoo can usually be seen on girls. The nesting swallow is a symbol of the fact that a person puts his family in the first place.