Energy exchange is the key to the survival of all life on earth. Energy metabolic processes occur constantly - from person to person, from plant to plant. But sometimes you want to speed up the transfer process or increase the "flow".

Step 1
Oddly enough, the simplest way to transfer energy is a strong, friendly hug. It is enough to hug a person in need of energy, to surround him with your energy cocoon in order to transfer part of your field to him. The hug in this case should be long and sincere, without any pats on the back and a feeling of pretense. Mother's hugs help the child gain strength, become stronger, friendly or loving hugs bind people, make their relationship stronger. In addition, hugs allow you to energetically support a person who does not believe in the exchange of energy and other such things, which makes this type of help absolutely irreplaceable.
Step 2
If you want to transfer your energy to the person who asked you about it, find a quiet, secluded place, and sit him in front of you. You should be as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Take his hands in yours, ask him to close his eyes and breathe as slowly as possible. Try to look within yourself, concentrate on your inner feelings. Imagine how energy flows through your spine, spreads through your body, direct its excess into your palms. See how the flows of energy in your palms become more and more powerful, now imagine how this energy passes into the hands of the person sitting in front of you, visualize how this energy from the hands rises higher, becomes part of the energy field of the person you are helping. Typically, this procedure takes from ten minutes to half an hour. If you feel that the excess energy you are willing to share is running out, discontinue the session.
Step 3
You can use the same technique from a distance with a photograph of the person in front of you. True, in this case, you will have to strain your imagination even more, since you need to imagine the person with whom you are sharing right in front of you. To increase contact, try calling this person, ask him to talk to you while you tune in to him.
Step 4
Keep in mind that uncontrollably sharing energy can be dangerous, you may not calculate your strength, feel exhausted and tired. The process doesn't have to go one way all the time. You can ask the person to whom you have transferred the excess of your power for something in return - a favor, a thing, or even money. In a similar way, the energy balance between people is restored. The constant release of your energy without compensation can lead to serious illness.