Hobbies are different: someone loves football, some like music performers, others admire artists, writers, poets. The degree of passion for a sports team, a musical group, a creative person can be different. If you are inspired enough to join a fan club, this article will be useful for you.

Step 1
Check out the fan club charter. For associations of fans of musical groups, it is common to fill out the questionnaire electronically and send it to the leaders. The site of the fan club of a particular collective is easy to find in search engines.
There are no special strict requirements for joining the fan club of a musical group. You may be expelled later if you repeatedly violate the organization's charter.
Step 2
Fill out the form and send it to the sports fan club's email address. The requirements for joining sports fan associations vary somewhat. Somewhere it is enough to familiarize yourself with the charter, fill out and send a questionnaire. In other fan clubs, after the approval of the questionnaire by the management, it is necessary to come to the meeting in order to sign the charter and pay the annual membership fee.
Participation in the fan club of sports teams allows you to attend the matches of your favorite team at lower prices, in separate stands. In some cases, you will be able to buy fan merchandise at discounted prices and also meet with your teammates. Some fan clubs hold training sessions and matches between fans of different teams. You can also take part in them.
Some sports organizations do not have a unified support movement. Therefore, you just have to buy a ticket to the fan tribune, and then join one of the organizations there.
Step 3
Register on the artist's fan forum. Movie fan clubs are like music lovers' clubs. You will also need to familiarize yourself with the charter, fill out a questionnaire, and register on the club's forum. Joining organizations for amateur actors and musicians is often free. As a member of the fan club, you can attend meetings with your favorite artist, ask him personally questions, and participate in the drawing of various prizes.