A series of computer games "TheElderScrolls" is very popular among users because of the exciting plot and many interesting quests. Quests in this game can be completed both by taking them from individual playable characters, and by joining various organizations: "Guild of Mages", "Guild of Thieves", "Guild of Fighters", "Dark Brotherhood".

It is necessary
Installed game The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Step 1
Find out from any of the playable characters what the Dark Brotherhood is. Surprisingly, this secret organization of assassins can be asked about almost any inhabitant of the gaming world. The first character you meet will tell you that you can join the "Dark Brotherhood" by killing an innocent person or a representative of any other playable race.
Step 2
Kill a non-aggressive character. Try not to be noticed by the city guards, otherwise you will be attacked, and the episode will have to be replayed.
Step 3
Read the inscription appeared in the upper left corner of the screen in Russian "The murder was noticed by unknown forces …" or in English, if you have a non-localized version of the game, "Your killing has been observed by forces unknown …".
Step 4
Find a bed and go to bed. They won't give you enough sleep. You will be woken up by a gloomy guy who repeats something about a perfect murder. Do not under any circumstances attack a stranger, otherwise the connection with the "Dark Brotherhood" will be lost. You will either have to replay the episode again, using autosave, or completely abandon the career of an assassin.
Step 5
Listen carefully to Lucien Lachance, this is the name of the mysterious stranger. He will tell you that just killing an innocent person is not enough to join the Dark Brotherhood. To conclude an agreement between you and the assassins organization, you need to commit another murder.
Step 6
Agree and proceed to the first quest of the "Dark Brotherhood" "Knife in the dark" - aka the entrance exam. You must eliminate a certain Rufio at the Inn of Ill Omen. It is very simple to do this: Rufio almost constantly sleeps in his room.
Step 7
Go to bed by killing Rufio. You will be awakened again by Lucien Lachance and will offer to go to one of the abandoned houses of Cheydinhol.
Step 8
Answer Sanguine, my Brother to the question at the entrance to enter the Dark Brotherhood hideout. Talk to an Argonian named Ocheeva, who will rank you Murderer and give you Dark Brotherhood armor. That's all!