The backpacks are very comfortable. A knitted backpack made up of rectangular parts and trimmed with leather details will delight you with originality and make your look unique.

It is necessary
400g of acrylic yarn, 2m of leather tape 2.5 cm wide, needles No. 5, 5
Step 1
Prepare yarn for knitting with two strands. Cast on 39 sts and work in pearl stitch. Perform this pattern as follows: alternately sew one front loop and one purl. At the same time, shift the pattern by one loop in each row.
Step 2
Make holes for the cord at a height of 35 cm. To do this, close 1 loop, distributing them in the following order: knit 4 loops, close 1 for the hole, repeat this action two more times.
Step 3
Now knit 9 stitches with a pearl pattern and make one hole. Repeat 4 sts of pearl pattern with 1 st of hole three times.
Step 4
On the next row, cast on closed stitches. Work 6 rows with pearl pattern and bind off all sts. Tie another piece of the same pearl pattern with the cord holes.
Step 5
Make the side pieces and the bottom of the backpack. To do this, cast on 14 loops and knit 6 rows with a pearl pattern.
Step 6
In the next row, alternate 4 loops with 1 closed loop of the hole. Continue knitting with the front stitch.
Step 7
After 103 cm from the beginning of knitting, again perform the row with holes for the cord. Six rows - pearl pattern. Close all loops.
Step 8
Cast on 23 loops to tie a pocket. Tie 5 stitches with a pearl pattern, 13 stitches with front stitch (front row is knitted with front loops, purl with purl). Then again - 5 loops with a pearl pattern. At a height of 11 cm, tie 5 rows with a pearl pattern and close all the loops.
Step 9
Sew the knitted strip corresponding to the side pieces and the bottom between the two rectangular pieces. Sew a pocket on top.
Step 10
Cut two straps 22 cm and 7 cm long from the leather to fasten the pocket. Use a short strap to fasten the buckle to the pocket. Make a twisted cord from the long braid and thread it through the holes in the upper part.
Step 11
Two leather handles 80 cm long, joining at the top, sew to the backpack.