In the drawing of a Shar Pei, it is necessary to reflect the structural features of the body of this dog and the numerous folds on the entire surface of the body and head, because it is these features that distinguish it from other breeds of dogs.

Step 1
Start drawing the Shar Pei with the dog's body. You will draw the folds in the skin later, when the main features of the body structure are reflected in the drawing. Draw a strong, muscular body with a broad chest.
Step 2
Draw the dog's head. It should be disproportionately large in comparison with the body, in puppies the size of the head is only half the size of the body, in adults it is three to four. Keep in mind that the Shar Pei's muzzle does not taper towards the nose, unlike other dog breeds such as hounds or dachshunds.
Step 3
Draw the dog's paws. The hind legs are much stronger than the front ones. Their length is about two-thirds of the body length.
Step 4
Draw the tail. It is not very long, in pedigree dogs it twists into a ring. One of the features of this breed is that the base of the tail is very high, almost on the back. Moreover, it tapers towards the end.
Step 5
Start drawing the muzzle. Draw wrinkles on the cheeks, forehead and under the eyes. Draw fleshy "flews" with smooth lines. Draw a wide nose with large nostrils on it. Take the corners of the Shar Pei's eyes down, the eyes themselves are slightly slanted.
Step 6
Draw thick, drooping ears. They have a triangular shape, their size is not very large, in an adult dog they are proportional to the nose, usually the ears are pressed against the skull.
Step 7
Add folds all over the body of the Shar Pei. Keep in mind that puppies have an unusually large number of them; in adults, most of them are concentrated on the face, neck, and back.
Step 8
Start coloring the drawing. To do this, use several shades of brown - this color is the most common for this breed, but there are shar Pei in black, silver-gray and almost red colors. Sometimes these dogs have a dark stripe on the back. To make the folds on the skin look natural, paint shadows under them, highlight the place of the crease on the skin with a lighter shade.